《研究生英语综合教程》(以下简称《综合教程》)为“高等学校研究生英语提高系列教材”之一,依据(《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》的要求,基于广泛而深入的调研,充分考虑与大学本科阶段的衔接,根据研究生英语教学特点进行设计和编写,旨在通过说、读、写、译等技能的综合训练,提高研究生阅读、翻译和写作的能力。《综合教程》包含上、下两册,内容难度和学习重点有所不同,可用于研究生阶段两个学期的英语教学,也可由教师根据学生的实际水平选择使用。 《综合教程》每册包含10个单元,每单元的说、读、写、译活动围绕一个特定主题展开。这样的设计有助于增强学生在语篇层次上的说、读、写、译能力,提高他们对所读材料的分析判断和归纳总结能力,以及用英语就某一话题表达观点的能力。(《综合教程》遵循“读写结合,以读写促说”的原则,保证教学过程中语言输入丰富准确,输出活动形式多样,有效提高学生的语言理解与表达能力。本教程的课堂教学活动经过精心设计,使学生在理解课文的基础上能用目标语表达对主题的理解,并能进一步就主题进行讨论。 《综合教程》课文选用了真实的语言素材,让学生接触真实环境下的英语。在阅读文章前,教材设计了以任务为中心、生动有趣的口语热身活动。在阅读文章后,设计了阅读理解练习以及基于文章理解的思考讨论题。教师用书中提供了口语活动的操作指导、语言提示,以及一些备用的课堂口语活动和讨论话题,这不仅方便了教师的教学,而且能够满足不同程度学生的需求,使尽可能多的学生参与到讨论活动中。
“高等学校研究生英语系列教材”是一套专为非英语专业研究生编写的教材,由“提高”和“拓展”两个系列构成。“提高”系列着重在本科英语学习的基础上进一步巩固语言知识,提高语言技能;“拓展”系列则根据研究生专业学习和研究的需要,着重拓展研究生的学术视野,培养他们的学术研究能力。本系列教材以教育部“加快研究生教育结构调整,培养应用型人才”的方针为指导,内容新颖,注重实用,资源丰富,旨在提高研究生的英语应用能力,特别是在相关专业领域的口语和文字交流能力,为其进一步学习和研究打好基础。 综合教稗 为“提高”系列的主要分册之一,依据《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》及研究生英语教学的发展进行设计和编写,旨在通过说、读、写、译相结合的教学实践,提高研究生的语言能力、思辨能力与跨文化交际能力。本书分为上、下两册,配有MP3光盘与教师用书,具有以下主要特点: ◎脉络清晰,操作便捷:每单元遵循三大主线,、分别侧重提高研究生的阅读、翻译和写作能力。各部分内容既相互关联,又具有一定的独立性,方便教授和学习; ◎选材丰富,启发思维:课文选篇包括多种题材和体裁,内容新颖,立意深刻,适合研究生的阅历和知识结构,富有启发性; ◎练习精当,强调互动:练习编排注重鼓励学生思考和参与,提高其思辨与表达能力。教师用书针对每个话题提供多角度的参考答案,方便教师组织课堂活动; ◎循序渐进,注重实用:写作部分突出实用性,所讲内容与研究生毕业答。
Unit 1Planning Your Future CareerStarting OutReading Focus: Traits of the Key PlayersReading More: Why Do We Work?Practical Translation: 定语从句的翻译 (1)Focused Writing: Narrative EssaysFinal ProjectUnit 2Art of the TableStarting OutReading Focus: Culinary Delights in ChinaReading More: A Cuisine CrisisPractical Translation:定语从句的翻译 (2)Focused Writing: Descriptive Essays (1)Final ProjectUnit 3Leisure ActivitiesStarting OutReading Focus: Why Harrys Hot?Reading More: Europeans Just Want to Have FunPractical Translation: 状语从句的翻译Focused Writing: Descriptive Essays (2)Final ProjectUnit 4Love and MarriageStarting OutReading Focus: Love and Loving RelationshipsReading More: The Last ChapterPractical Translation:被动句的翻译Focused Writing: Expository Essays (1)Final ProjectUnit 5Living a Healthier LifeStarting OutReading Focus: Yoga in AmericaReading More: Stress and HealthPractical Translation: 长句的翻译Focused Writing: Expository Essays (2)Final ProjectUnit 6Sanctuary or FulfillmentStarting OutReading Focus: Here Is New YorkReading More: Feathers from a Thousand Li AwayPractical Translation:名词性从句的翻译Focused Writing: Argumentative EssaysFinal ProjectUnit 7Exploring Human NatureStarting OutReading Focus: On Human NatureReading More: The BumPractical Translation: 修辞的翻译Focused Writing: AbstractsFinal ProjectUnit 8Smarter TransportationStarting OutReading Focus: The Hidden Danger of Seat BeltsReading More: Intelligent Transportation Systems——ITSPractical Translation:词汇的翻译Focused Writing: A BibliographyFinal ProjectUnit 9Affordable HousingStarting OutReading Focus: The Housing Crisis Goes SuburbanReading More: Is Affordable Housing Becoming an Oxymoron?Practical Translation: 复合词的翻译Focused Writing: Pr6cis or SummariesFinal ProjectUnit 10The Role of EducationStarting OutReading Focus: The Role of the Academy in Times of CrisisReading More: Americas Failure in Science EducationPractical Translation: 抽象名词的翻译Focused Writing: ReportsFinal Project
aut agrees. "Business success is often defined by comfort with ambiguity and risk——personal, organizational, and financial. This creates a disconnect for many scientistsbecause success in academia is really more about careful, studied research. Further,great science is often defined by how one gets to the answer as much as by the answeritself, so scientists often fall in love with the process. In a business, you need tounderstand the process, but you end up falling in love with the answer and then take arisk based on what you think that answer means to your business. Putting your neckon the line like this is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people."Another important piece of risk tolerance is a candidates degree of comfort withfailure. Failure is important because it shows that you were not afraid to take chances.So companies consistently look for candidates who can be wrong and admit it. Everyone knows how to talk about successes——or they should if theyre in a jobsearch——but far fewer people are comfortable talking about failures, and fewer stillknow how to bring lessons and advantages back from the brink. "For my organization,a candidate needs to have comfort discussing his or her failures, and he or she needs tohave real failures, not something made up for interview day. If not, that person has nottaken enough risk." says Haut. Trait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationships Rick Leach is in business development for deCODE Genetics. Leach made thetransition to industry recently, on the business side of things. I asked him about thiskey trait because in his new business role, interpersonal abilities make the differencebetween success and failure. "Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge anddeveloping technical acumen," he says, "but working for a business requires somethingelse entirely——people skills. The scientist who is transitioning into the business worldmust prioritize his or her relationship assets above their technical assets. To suddenlybe valued and measured by your mastery of human relationships can be a very scaryproposition for a person who has been valued and measured only by his mastery ofthings," says Rick.
书高等学校研究生英语系列教材综合教程上提高附光盘不错 建议购买