文秋芳,金利民 主编
This volume is a collection of 27 papers presented at the 5th International Conference on ELT in China & the 1 st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, held on May 16-21, 2007 at the International Convention Center of Foreign Langtiage Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) in Beijing. The events were hosted by the ChinaEnglish La guage Education Association and Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), co-hosted by the Translation Association of China, the Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics, the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, nd the National Research Center for Foreign Language Education of BFSU. The Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press was the sponsor and organizer. The events drew 1500 scholars and teachers from 30 countries, and 500 papers were presented.
1.Keynote Speeches 中国少数民族双语的现状及对策 语言问题·语言资源·语言权利 “What Is Out of Sight Is Lost Forever?”—Lessons from the Johnsonian Tradition 计算语言学之基础研究成果及其应用 关于汉语教学的学科建设和汉语教学的本体研究 机器翻译技术的发展2.Sscond Language Learners A Study on the Correlations Between Personality Traits and SLL An Examination of Saito et al.'s Construct of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Understanding Chinese Students' Motivational Change: During the Transition to the UK Higher Education From "I Did Not Understand Anything!" to "Things Are Much Better Now": APPRAISAL in Chinese Students' Narratives on English Learning/Use Experiences in Switzerland. Exploring Digital Third Spaces--An Inquiry into the Use of Digital Support Systems by Chinese Students in a British University A Cross-cultural Study on the Reciprocal Relationships Between Cultural Values and Communication Competence Chinese EFL Learners' Perceptions Towards Recasts in Speaking Classes ……