Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing Objectives 1. 1 Writing Principles 1. 2 Rules of Good Writing 1. 3 Writing Procedures 1. 4 ExercisesChapter 2 The Form of A Business Letter Objectives 2.1 The Layout of A Business Letter 2.2 The Structure of A Business Letter 2.3 ExercisesChapter 3 Establishing Business Relations Objectives 3.1 General Introduction 3.2 Sample Letters 3.3 Extension 3.4 ExercisesChapter 4 Enquiries and Quotations Objectives 4.1 General Introduction 4.2 Sample Letters 4.3 Extension 4.4 ExercisesChapter 5 Offers and Counter-offers Objectives 5.1 General Introduction 5.2 Writing Contents of An Offer 5.3 Sample Letters 5.4 Extension 5.5 ExercisesChapter 6 Conclusion of Business Objectives 6.1 General Introduction 6.2 Sample Letters 6.3 Extension 6.4 ExercisesChapter 7 Payment Matters Objectives 7.1 Greneral Introduction 7.2 Sample Letters 7.3 Extension 7.4 ExercisesChapter 8 Packing and Shipping Objectives 8.1 General Introduction 8.2 Sample Letters 8.3 Extension 8.4 ExercisesChapter 9 Insurance Objectives 9.1 General Introduction 9.2 Sample Letters……
The letters you send you must create a good first impression. To achievethis, "put yourself in the readers site" and try to imagine how he will feel aboutwhat you write. Ask yourself constantly, "What are his needs, his wishes, hisinterests, his problems, and how can I meet them?" "What would be my ownfeelings, if I were to receive a letter of the kind I propose to write?" Try toimagine that you are receiving rather than sending the letter and emphasize the"You" attitude rather than me or us. When you write or dictate a business letter, try to feel a genuine interest inperson you are writing to and in his problems. Say what you have to say withsincerity and make sure that it sounds sincere. Express your thoughts in yourown words and in your own way. Be yourself. Write so that what you say wouldsound natural if reading over the telephone. If a letter is to achieve its purpose, its tone must be right. Before beginningto write think carefully about the way in which you want to influence yourreader. Ask yourself, "What do I want this letter to do?" and then expressyourself accordingly, being persuasive apologetic, obliging, firm and so on,depending on the effect you want to produce.
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