Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Rationale of the Study1.3 Objectives of the Study1.4 Methodology1.5 Data Collection1.6 Organization of the StudyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Traditional Descriptive Grammar Approach2.2 The Syntactic Approach2.3 The Semantic Approach to Dative Alternation2.3.1 Affectedness2.3.2 Possession2.3.3 Lexical Idiosyncrasies in Dative Alternation2.3.4 Lexical Semantic Explanation of Dative Alternation2.4 The Pragmatic Approach2.5 The Cognitive Grammar Approach2.5.1 CG's Treatment of Dative Alternation2.5.2 Conceptualization of the Ditransitive Event2.6 Comments on Previous Research2.7 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 SFG: Theoretical Implications for the Ditransitive Clause3.1.1 The Multidimensional View on Language3.1.2 Grammar as Function: Metafunctional Profile of the Clause Grammar3.1.3 The Non-Arbitrary Relationship Between Semantics and Lexicogrammar3.2 CxG: Another Theoretical Perspective on the Ditransitive Clause3.2.1 Introduction to CxG3.2.2 CxG's Notion of "Construction"3.3 Compatibility and Complementarity Between SFG and CxG: The Functional-Constructional Approach3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Experiential Analysis of the Ditransitive Clause4.1 The Experiential Metafunction in Grammar4.1.1 Participant-Process Configurations and Process Types4.1.2 Transitive and Ergative Models of Representation of Experience4.1.3 The Network of Clause Types in the Transitivity System4.2 Beyond Transitivity: A Proper Understanding of Ditransitivity4.2.1 A Process-Type Based Experiential Classification of the Ditransitive Clause4.2.2 A Participant-Role Based Semantic Characterization of the Ditransitive Clause……Chapter 5 Textual Analysis of the Ditransitive ClauseChapter 6 Ditransitive as a ConstructionChapter 7 ConclusionAppendix 1 Data SourcesAppendix 2 Data SamplesBibliographyAcknowledgements