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《大学英语读写译教程》第一至四册为读、写、译综合教材,供非英语专业本科学生使用,也可供程度相当的自学者使用。 英语语言基础在大学英语教学中的重要地位和作用是显而易见的。但由于学生入学时英语水平程度差异较大,不少大学英语教材在应用型本科院校中使用起来普遍偏难,教师授课困难较大。针对这些状况,我们编写本系列教材,希望能对解决这些问题作出我们微薄的贡献。 本教程以应用型本科院校学生入学水平的中等程度为起点,即在学习本教程之前,学生已掌握基本的英语语音和语法知识,能认知中学大纲中的大部分英语单词,并在听、说、读、写等方面受过初步训练。在学完本教程后,力争做到:中上等水平的学生在英语语言知识和语言的实际运用能力方面,可以达到大学英语第六级的水平;中等水平的学生能够达到大学英语四级水平,能够在工作中运用英语进行与工作相关的交际。 本教程的编写指导思想是全面打好学生英语基础,以课文为中心,由浅入深,循序渐进,进行语法、词汇等基础知识的综合教学;对学生的读、写、译等基本技能进行全面的训练,培养学生准确运用所学知识进行语言交际的能力。 教材的质量关系到国家人才的培养。为了编写出高质量的教材,本教程编写者怀着强烈的质量意识,踏踏实实、一丝不苟地工作,在整体编写中遵循如下理念: 丰富而实用的选材。精读教材课文的核心地位为英语教学者所公认,因此我们在选材上付出的努力最多。本教程的所有课文力求内容丰富,题材各异,主题贴近生活与工作实际,视角触及面广,关注实用性。 精心而系统的练习。练习设计的重要性不亚于课文。丰富多样的练习活动能体现各种技能训练的要求,可为学生提供更多提高读、写、译等各项技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。 结构清晰,易于教学。教程形式活泼多样,与众不同,图文并茂,互动性强。每册教材的侧重点不同,但注意系统性和独立性的有机结合。本系列教程可成套使用,亦可根据使用者的实际情况选择使用。 本教程共分4册,即每学期一册。第一、二册在学生原有基础上,系统安排语法、阅读和写作等基础语言知识,其内容主要参考《大学英语课程教学要求》所列项目;第三、四册在巩固基本功的基础上,进一步加强语言实际运用能力的培养。每课授课时间可根据教学对象的水平和课程总体安排等情况,由教师酌定。每课内容构成如下:
本教材是专门为应用型本科院校非英语专业学生而精心编写的。由英语教学专家主编,大学英语教学一线骨干教师和英语教学研究专家联袂编写,由外籍英语专家审定把关。 本教材有以下特点: 起点、难度适当,符合应用型本科院校学生的实际特点 突出读写译结合训练 富有时代特点,语言学习与实际运用有机组合 突出语言表达能力的培养,适合职场需求 配有多媒体课件及网站,方便课余巩固
Unit 1 College LifeUnit 2 Having FunUnit 3 EmailsUnit 4 Parents and ChildrenUnit 5 TelephoningUnit 6 The MediaUnit 7 Working TogetherUnit 8 AnimalsUnit 9 MeetingsUnit 10 EmotionsGrammar ReferenceVocabulary List
Ohio University accuses its graduates of plagiarism (剽窃). It has written to forty engineeringgraduates about copied material in the research papers for their masters degrees. This action is the result of an investigation by a former student at the university in Athens,Ohio. In 2008, Thomas Matrka was a graduate student in engineering. Mr. Matrka washaving trouble getting approval for his masters thesis. So he started to read the papers ofgraduates to find ideas. He found that some papers included words or even pages that had been copied from otherresearch work or published books. Some of the papers were written as long as twenty years ago.A number of the graduates now work as engineers and professors. The former students are being accused of plagiarism. Plagiarism is making it appear thatsomeone elses words or ideas are your own. Where material came from must be made clear unless the information is commonknowledge. Material copied exactly is supposed to appear within quotation marks. Rules differabout how to note sources in papers. But if copied material appears without credit, it could beconsidered plagiarized even if you rewrote it in your own words. All but a few of the graduates in the Ohio University investigation came from othercountries. International students can arrive with limited English and limited knowledge of therules for writing at American universities. But some of the graduates say they do not think what they did was plagiarism at all becausethey included the names of the authors. The copied material appeared in the literature review,the part of the paper where students discuss research done by others.