

谭卫国,蔡龙权 主编 华东理工大学出版社





谭卫国,蔡龙权 主编  






本书是一本集翻译理论,翻译技巧、翻译实践为一体的教材,是编者在英汉—汉英翻译领域长期教学及科研工作的结晶。 本书可作为英语专业本科生和研究生的翻译课教材,亦可供本科生和研究生撰写学位论文时参考。本书还适宜作为非英语专业大学生、研究生以及广大翻译爱好者的自学读本,并可作为翻译工作者的翻译研究参考书。


谭卫国 男,生于1953年。1982年从湖南师大研究生毕业,同年获得英语语言文学硕士学位。曾在湘潭大学从事教学科研13年。现任上海师范大学外国语学院英语教授,英语语言学硕士生导师,外国语言学与应用语言学硕士生导师。兼任《上海师范大学学报》编辑部特邀编审,中国英汉语比较研究会理事,中国翻译协会专家会员,世界中医药学会联合会翻译专业委员会常务理事。


Part One Basic Theories of Translation 1 A Brief Discussion of Translation  1.1 The Origin, Development and Function of Translation  1.2 Definition of Translation  1.3 Principles for Translation 2 Major Translation Approaches  2.1 Literal Translation Approach  2.2 Liberal Translation Approach  2.3 Literal-plus-liberal Translation Approach  2.4 Conclusion 3 The Process of Translation  3.1 On the Process of Translation  3.2 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Macrolevel  3.3 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Microlevel  3.4 Improvement of the TLT 4 The Reality of the Translator's Subjectivity  4.1 Subjectivity and the Translator's Subjectivity  4.2 Translators as Human Beings  4.3 Translator-Centeredness  4.4 Different Versions of the Same Literary Work  4.5 Machine Translation 5 The Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity  5.1 The Necessity of the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity  5.2 The Requirements for the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity   5.3 Manifestations of the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity  5.4 Restrictions of the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity 6 Context and Wording in Translation (Ⅰ)  6.1 Towards Context  6.2 Context for Translation  6.3 Wording in Translation 7 Context and Wording in Transation (Ⅱ)  7.1 Context as a Determiner of Wording  7.2 Intra-lingual Context and WordingPart Two Major Translation Techniques 8 Conversion of Parts of Speech  8.1 Conversion of English Nouns Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa  8.2 Conversion of English Prepositions Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa  8.3 Conversion of English Adjectives Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa  8.4 Conversion of English Adjectives Into Chinese Adverbs and Vice Versa  8.5 Conversion of English Adverbs Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa  8.6 Conversion of English Nouns Into Chinese Adjectives and Vice Versa 9 Addition of Proper Words  9.1 Addition of Proper Words Based on the Content  9.2 Addition of Proper Words Based on the Form 10 Proper Omission of Words……Part Three Translation Practice


  Both men were social rebels to some extent. They refused to bow to social conventions and power. Beethoven was a devoted republican. When Napoleon was in power, who claimed to be a defender of re, publicanism, Beethoven admired him so much that he dedicated his Symphony No. 5, the theme of which is heroism, to him. But then Napoleon crowned himself and became an emperor.  Beethoven was so angry that he openly declared that he took back what he had said about Napoleon, regardless of possible persecution. Lennon was also considered a trouble-maker by the authorities because of his support for youth movements. For a time he was not even allowed to give public performances. But he igngred all this and stuck to his belief. As musicians, both men led to great leaps in the history of music Beethovens main contribution to music was his symphonies. It was he who dearly defined the form of symphony and fully developed it which marked the end of the Classical period and the beginning of the romantic period. His nine symphonies, especially No. 5, No. 6, and No. 9, are as highly regarded today as they were 100 years ago.  Lermons achievement was his rock-and-roll music. He and his band, the Beades, successfully combined rhythm and blues with rock music.





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