秦一琼 主编
人类经济活动的国际化和全球化已成不可阻挡的大趋势。在我国改革开放的30多年中,绝大多数全球跨国企业中都先后在华投资和经营,它们在我国经济发展、产业升级、技术生产、管理创新、社会意识及生活方式的转变上所带来的影响切实而深远,成为中国社会发展和进步极具活力的因素之一,我们对跨国企业的认识和研究也在不断深入并趋于理性。 本书收集了近年来专业人士对跨国企业研究的一些主要内容,辅以案例或相关时评报道,是一本介绍跨国企业经营管理理论与实践的专业英语教材,学习界面友好,内容涵盖了企业跨国经营的驱动因素、企业跨国经营面临的外部环境的挑战、跨国企业如何建立竞争优势、如何借力合作、如何调整或创新企业的组织架构以适应企业目标和市场环境的变化、人事管理、企业伦理以及跨国企业的未来演变等。 中国加入世界贸易组织以后,我国的国有企业、民营企业和合资企业也都加快了走出去的步伐,企业的管理者迫切需要了解外国跨国企业的经验教训,本书的出版为有志于从事跨国经营的实践者和管理者提供了一个学习借鉴的窗口。 本书每章均设有以下版块:“Introduction导读”;“Ideas inFocus概念述要”(介绍该章节涉及的主要知识内容);“Voice ofPractitioners实践者之声”(与章节内容相关的访谈或实践者专栏文章);“Insights from Scholars学者之见”(摘取与该章节相关的经典文献及学术论文);“Cases in Practice案例实践”(与章节内容相关的媒体报道或案例)。每章最后配有讨论题。 本书体例完整、内容丰富且具有一定深度,章节联系紧密,反映出跨国企业发展的历史变迁和最新动态,资料来源广泛,文体多元,同类教材极为鲜见。编者结合十多年的双语教学实践和职场经验,跟踪近年的相关研究和报道,最终去粗存精,挑选难易得当的资料加以整理,方便学生使用。本书编排合理,非常适合教学和自学。
Chapter 1 跨国经营的驱动因素 Introduction 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 2 外部环境的挑战:和风细雨 四通八达 Introduction 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 3 竞争的挑战:建立优势奠定竞争基石 Introduction 导读 Ideas in FoCUS 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 4 合作的挑战:借力联手创造财富 Introduction 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 5 组织的挑战:寻求匹配的组织架构 Introductions 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 6 管理的挑战:成事在人持续创新 Introduction 导读 Ideas in FoCUS 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见Chapter 7 伦理的挑战:优秀的企业公民 Introduction 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见 Chapter 8 未来的挑战:跨国企业的演进 Introduction 导读 Ideas in Focus 概念述要 Voice of Practitioners 实践者之声 Insights from Scholars 学者之见 Cases in Practice 案例实践 Buzz-In 各抒己见附录1 重要网站信息附录2 近年进入500强的中国企业名单参考文献
In Belgium, oil refining (78 per cent) and electrical engineering (87 per cent) showed the highest rates of foreign participation.MNEs foreign direct investment most often is concentrated in technology- intensive industries, therefore, research and development is another area of tension. Multinational corporations usually want to concentrate their R&D efforts, especially their basic research. With its technology transfer, the multinational corporation can assist the host countrys economic development, but it may leave the host country dependent on flows of new and updated technology.Furthermore,the multinational firm may contribute to the brain drain4 by attracting scientists from host countries to its central research facility. Many countries have demanded and received research facilities on their soil, where they can better control results. Many countries are weary of the technological dominance of the United States and Japan and view it as a long-term threat. Western European nations, for example, are joining forces in basic research and development under the auspices of the so-called Eureka project, which is a pan-European pooling of resources to develop new technologies with both governmental and private sector help. Many of theeconomicbenefitsofforeigndirectinvestmentare controversial as well. Capital inflows may be accompanied by outflows in a higher degree and over a longer term than is satisfactory to the host government. For example, many of the hotels built in the Caribbean by multinational chains were unable to find local suppliers and had to importsupplies and thus spend much-needed foreign currency. Many officials alsocomplain that the promised training of local personnel, especially formanagement positions, has never taken place. Rather than stimulate localcompetition and encourage entrepreneurship, multinationals with theiroften superiorproductofferingandmarketingskillshavestifledcompetition.