赵立民 首都经济贸易大学出版社 (2012-01出版)
第1章 公司与产品介绍
第2章 询盘
第3章 报盘与还盘
第4章 订单
第5章 价格
第6章 合同
第7章 付款
第8章 运输
第9章 包装
第10章 代理与佣金
第11章 保险
第12章 商检与仲裁
第13章 索赔
版权页:插图:G:Through the introduction of Mr, Smith, our mutual friend, I'got to know your name and address. As my customers in India want to buy machine tools, I've come to make some inquiries. Do you happen to export machine tools?S : Yes. As a matter of fact, we specialize in this range of goods and have an experl~- ence of over thirty yearsG:Can I have a copy of your catalogue?S:By all means. Here's a catalogue for some popular ones. They enjoy fast sales in your neighboring countries. Demand always exceeds supply. I'm sure your customers in Singapore will be greatly interested in them.G: We've been thinking of placing an order if they are of the types we want.S:Never mind the types. We also take special orders. That~ is to say, we can make machine tools according to our customer's samples and exact specifications, You know, service is the motto of our company.