(美)斯特尔曼(Stellman,A),(美)格林(Greene,J) 著
《深入浅出C#》是包含面向对象编程、C#和Visual Studio集成开发环境的一次完整学习经历。针对大脑学习的特点,本书涵盖了C# 3.0和Visual Studio 2008, 并且讲解了从垃圾收集到扩展方法再到双缓冲动画的所有内容。你将掌握C#的最新最热门的语法、LINQ、.NET集合数据查询、SQL数据库以及更多内容。学完本书之时,你将成为一个熟练的C#程序员,能够设计并编写大规模的应用程序。 为何本书如此与众不同? 我们认为你用来学习新概念的时间是极其宝贵的。《深入浅出C#》使用认知科学和学习理论的最新研究成果,为你带来多感官的学习体验,它采用了丰富、可视、适于大脑工作的形式,而不是用过多的文字使你感到昏昏欲睡。
作者:(美国) 斯特尔曼 (Stellman.A.) (美国) 格林 (Greene.J.) Andrew Stellman,despite being raised a New Yorker, has lived in Pittsburgh twice. The first time was when he graduated from Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science, and then again when he and Jenny were starting their consulting business and writing their first book for O'Reilly.When he moved back to his hometown, his first job after college was as a programmer at EMI-Capitol Records——which actually made sense,since he went to LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and the Performing Arts to study cello and jazz bass guitar. He and Jenny first worked together at that same financial software company, where he was managing a team of programmers. He's had the privilege of working with some pretty amazing programmers over the years, and likes to think that he's learned a few things from them.When he's not writing books, Andrew keeps himself busy writing useless (but fun) software,playing music (but video games even more),studying taiji and aikido, having a girlfriend named Lisa, and owning a pomeranian.Jennifer Greene,studied philosophy in college but, like everyone else in the field, couldn't find a job doing it. Luckily, she's a great software tester, so she started out doing it at an online service, and that's the first time she really got a good sense of what project management was.She moved to New York in 1998 to test software at a financial software company.She managed a team of testers at a really cool startup that did artificial intelligence and natural language processing.Since then, she's traveled all over the world to work with different software teams and build all kinds of cool projects.She loves traveling, watching Bollywood movies,reading the occasional comic book, waiting for her Xbox to be repaired, drinking carloads of carbonated beverages, and owning a whippet.
Intro1 Get productive with C#: Visual Applications, in 10 minutes or less Why you should learn C# C# and the Visual Studio IDE make 10ts of things easy Help the CEO go paperless Get to know your users' needs before you start building your prograJ Here's what you're going to build What you do in Visual Studio... What Visual Studio does for you... Develop the user interface Visual Studio, behind the scenes Add to the auto-generated code You can already run your application We need a database to store our information Creating the table for the Contact List The blanks on contact card are columns in our People table Finish building the table Diagram your data so your application can access it Insert your card data into the database Connect your form to your database objects with a data soui-ce Add database-driven controls to your form Good apps are intuitive to use How to turn YOUR application into EVERYONE'S application Give your users the application You're NOT done: test your installation You built a complete data-driven application2 It's All Just Code: Under the hood When you're doing this... ...the IDE does this Where programs come from The IDE helps you code When you change things in the IDE, you're also changing your code Anatomy of a program Your program knows where to start You can change your program's entry point Two classes can be in the same namespace Your programs use variables to work with data C# uses familiar math symbols Loops pertbrm an action over and over again Time to start coding if/else statements make decisions Set up conditions and see if they're true 3 Objects Get Oriented: Making code make sense How Mike thinks about his problems How Mike's car navigation system thinks about his problems Mike's Navigator class has methods to set and modii~y routes Use what you've learned to build a simple application Mike gets an idea Mike can use objects to solve his problem You use a class to build an object When you create a new object from a class, it's called an instance of that class A better solution.., brought to you by objects! An instance uses fields to keep track of things Let's create some instances! Thanks for the memory What's on your program's mind You can use class and method names to make your code intuitive Give your classes a natural structure Class diagrams help you organize your classes so they make:sense Build a class to work with some ,guys . - Create a project for your guys Build a form to interact with the gays There's an even easier way to initialize objects A few ideas for designing intuitive classes4 Types and References: It's 10:00. Doyou know whereyour data is? C# Lab 1: A Day at the Races 5 Encapsulation: Keepyourprivates... private 6 Inheritance: 13ur object'sJhmily tree 7 Interfaces and abstract classes: Making classes keep their promises 8 Enums and collections: Storing lots of data C# Lab 2: The Quest 9 Reading and writing fries: Save the byte array, save the world 10 Exception handling: Putting Out Fires Gets Old 11 Events and delegates: What 13ur Code Does When you're Not Looking 12 Review and preview: Knowledge, Power, and Building Cool Stuff 13 Controls and graphics: Make it pretty 14 Captain Amazing: The Death of the Object15 LINQ:Get control of your dataC# Lab3:InvadersAppendix i:LeftoversTable of Contents(the real thing) Intro Who is this book for? We know what you're thinking Metacognition Bend your brain into submission What you need for this book Read me The technical review team Acknowledgments
插图:A: No. The IDE is great at automatically generating some code for you, but it can only do so much.There are some things it's really good at, like setting up good starting points for you,and automatically changing properties of controls on your forms. But the hard part of programming——figuring what your program needs to do and making it do it-is something that no IDE can do for you. Even though the Visual Studio IDE is one of the most advanced development environments out there, it can only go so far.It's you-not the IDE-who writes the code that actually does the work.Q:l created a new project in Visual Studio, but when I went into the "Projects"folder under My Documents, I didn't see it there. What gives?A:First of all, you must be using Visual Studio 2008——in 2005, this doesn't happen.When you first create a new project in Visual Studio 2008, the IDE creates the project in your Local Settings\Application Data\Temporary Projects folder. When you save the project for the first time,it will prompt you for a new filename, and save it in the My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects folder. If you try to open a new project or close the temporary one, you'll be prompted to either save or discard the temporary project.Q:What if the IDE creates code I don't want in my project?A: You can change it. The IDE is set up to create code based on the way the element you dragged or added is most commonly used. But sometimes that's not exactly what you wanted. Everything the IDE does for you-every line of code it creates, every file it adds——can be changed, either manually by editing the files directly or through an easy-to-use interface in the IDE.Q:Is it OK that I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Express? Or do I need to use one of the versions of Visual Studio that isn't free in order to do everything in this book?A:There's nothing in this book that you can't do with the free version of Visual Studio (which you can download from Microsoft's ,website). The main differences between Express and the other editions (Professional and Team Foundation) aren't going to get in the way of writing C# and creating fully functional, complete applications.Q:Can I change the names of the files the IDE generates for me?A:Absolutely. When you create a new porject, the IDE gives you a default form called Form1 (which has files called Forml.cs, Form1.Designer.cs and Forml.resx). But you can use the Solution Explorer to change the names of the files to whatever you want. By default, the names of the files are the same as the name of the form.If you change the names of the files, you'll be able to see in the Properties window that form will still be called Form1. You can change the name of the form by changing the "(Name)" line in the Properties window. If you do, the filenames won't change.
太失望了,竟然从第一章开始就叫我用Visual Studio……