景平,姚薇 主编
自1979年从日本引入“物流”这一概念以来,随着改革开放政策的深入,以及在国民经济的快速、健康和持续发展的形势下,我国对物流的需求不断扩大,政府、企业和教育领域也越来越多地关注现代物流的发展,物流业和物流人才的培养得到了长足的发展。近年来,美国的联邦快递、丹麦的马士基、日本的佐川急便、德国的西门子等一批跨国物流企业都在角逐世界物流市场。与其相关的各类企业也纷纷进入物流领域,物流发展已进入无国界的供应链时代。但是,由于我国现代物流发展起步较晚,处于起步阶段,与发达国家尚有不小的差距。面对我国加入WTO所承诺的逐步放开物流市场的发展趋势,提高我国物流业在竞争日趋激烈的世界物流大市场中的竞争力,需要大力发展我国的现代物流业。 完善的学科体系和高素质的人才是推动现代物流业发展的关键因素之一。教育部在2003年调整本科专业时,在管理和工程门类下新设立了物流管理和物流工程专业,说明物流管理和物流工程专业已经为企业效益的增长和社会经济的发展起到了应有的作用,也标志着物流学科的重要地位得到了社会各界的承认和重视。目前,我国已有200余所高校开设了物流管理和物流工程专业,物流教育正处于蓬勃发展时期,这为我国改革开放和物流事业的发展提供了可贵的人力资源支持。但现代物流作为一门新兴的学科,现有的学科体系和人才培养体系尚处于建设完善阶段,物流理论和实践的研究也有待于进一步深入。在我国经济快速增长从而对物流需求的规模不断扩大的趋势背景下,通过教材建设和学科体系的完善来培养和造就一大批熟悉物流业务、具有物流运作能力的专业技术人员和管理人员,对当前我国解决物流人才匮乏和物流管理水平较低等问题有着十分重要的意义。 上海是我国经济发展的前沿,在推进“四个中心”建设,尤其是国际航运中心建设的过程中,对物流人才的需求将大幅上升,这给上海高校物流人才的培养提出了更高的要求。2005年,上海市教委将上海第二工业大学的物流管理专业作为上海市的教育高地予以重点投入和建设,物流教材建设是其中一个主要的内容。为此,上海第二工业大学从物流学科体系建设的角度出发,组织了一批有多年教学和实践经验的专家、学者,编写并出版了这套物流管理专业系列核心教材。
Unit 1 An Introduction to LogisticsUnit 2 Development of Logistics ManagementUnit 3 Leading-Edge LogisticsUnit 4 Customer ServiceUnit 5 Purchasing ManagementUnit 6 warehousingUnit 7 InventoryUnit 8 Transportation(Ⅰ)——Utility AnalysisUnit 9 Transportation(Ⅱ)——Modal ChoiceUnit 10 Distribution ManagementUnit 11 Costing and Pricing in TransportationUnit 12 The Third Party LogisticsUnit 13 International LogisticsUnit 14 Logistics Information System and E—BusinessUnit 15 Supply Chain ManagementReferences
The process of logistics integration can be divided into four stages: The first stage in the process is generally considered to have been the "revolution in physical distribution management" which began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration into a single function of activities associated with the outbound distribution of finished goods. Formerly, logistics was a fragmented and often uncoordinated set of activities spread throughout various organizational functions with each individual function having its budgets and priorities and measurements. Separate distribution departments were created which, for the first time, were able to coordinate the management of trans-port, warehousing, inventory management, materials handling, and order processing. The second stage is generally known as "materials management" which means the general principle in physical distribution management (PDM) is subsequently applied to the inbound movement of materials, components, and subassemblies. By the late 1970s, many finns had established "logistics departments" with overall responsibility for the movement, storage, and handling of products upstream and downstream of the production operation. This enabled them to exploit high-level synergies, share the use of logistics as- sets between inbound and outbound flows, and apply logistical principles more consistently across the business. Within the third stage, "systems integration" occurred, many firms tried to coordinate logistics more closely with other functions; it means that a logistics system with cross-functional integration should achieve greater results than one deficient in coordinated performance. With the emergence of business process re-engineering (BPR) in the ,early 1990s, the relationship between logistics and related functions was redefined. BPR identifies a series of core processes that cut across tractional functional boundaries and are essentially customer-oriented. Effective management of these processes requires the development of new working relationships between functions and the formation of more cross-functional teams.