An Official Publication of the International Semiotic Resarch Institute of Nanjing Normal University and the Chinese Semiotic Research Center of the Chinese Association of Linguistic Semiotics
Part OneSemiotic Conference InformationThe11th World Congress of Semiotics AnnouncementA Sketch of Professor YouzhengLi,Vice President of InternationalAssociation for Semiotic Studies(IASS)Part TwoNew Theories and Applications of SemioticsThe Generic Structure of the Editorials of People‘s Daily and ItsVariabilityBin Xin(China)The Logic of Phenomena: Semiotic Structures of West and East inCommunicology and CultureRichard L. Lanigan(U.S.A.)The Mechanism for Mutual Comprehension between Human LanguagesXunzhun Lin & Mingming Liu(China)The Hidden Narrator: A Semiotic Reconstruction of the Narrative ActorNetworkPaul van den Hoven(TheNetherlands)On AniconicityMassimo Leone(Italy)A Social Semiotic Analysis of the Multimodality of an AdvertisementDan Xu(China)Semiotics in ContactLelia GOndara(Argentina)The Hypoiconic Metaphor and the Abductive Mode of InferenceBent Sorensen & Yorkild Yhellefsen(Denmark)~Part ThreeSpecial Section for Peircean Semiotics and the Philosophyof InquiryIntroduction to the "Peircean Semiotics and the Philosophy of Inquiry"SectionCharls Pearson(U.S.A.)BiosemioticsandSelf-ReferentialLoopsEliseoFernandez(U.S.A.)NewWaysofThinking--Part I Thinking about the World: Metaphysics and EpistemologyCharls Pearson(U.S.A.)Peirce's Semeiotic and the Normative Basis of InquiryJames JakOb Liszka(U.S.A.)ContentsThe Pragmatic Maxim and the Idea of Necessity in MathematicalInquiryElizabeth F.Cooke(U.S.A.)Peirce‘s Semiotic Categories from the Viewpoint of the Graphic DesignerSteven Skaggs(U.S.A.)Indexical Reference to Absent ObjectsDonnaWest(U.S.A.)Part FourSpecial Section for Tartu SemioticsTartu Semiotics between Semiotic Modelling and Semiotic AnalysisKalevi Kull(Estonia)Tartu Summer Schools of Semiotics at the Time of Juri LotmanSilvi Salupere(Estonia)Semiotica Tartuensis:Jakob von Uexkiill and Juri LotmanKalevi Kull & MihhailLotman(Estonia)LanguageofCinemaandSemioticModellingKatre Pairn(Estonia)part FiveSpecial Section for Cognitive SemioticsG0gSem Notes--Studies and Issues in Cognitive SemioticsPer Aage Brandt(U.S.A.)