

余丹红 编 余丹红 上海百家出版社 (2009-06出版)



余丹红 上海百家出版社 (2009-06出版)  


余丹红 编  




Music Learning and Musical DiversityEffectiveness of Music in ESL Instruction for Chinese ESL LearnersA Descriptive Study of the Role and Value of European Music Tours for Hong Kong Music Teachers and StudentsCase Studies in Absolute PitchForms of Music Transmission in Music Learning and Their Related Factors: As Observed through the Case of Sape Learning in Universiti Putra MalaysiaAnalysis of Wrist Kinematics in Cello Playing for Young StudentsAn Investigation into the Preparation and Needs of Novice Piano Teachers in Kuala LumpurA Study of Primary School Computer Based Compositional Activities in TalwanResearch on Influence of Teaching Folk Songs on Aboriginal Students' Ethnic IdentityImplementing Subject Integration and Interdisciplinary Learning in TertiaryEducation through Musical ProductionEffects of Peer Tutoring on Music Learning for Pupils with Special Needs in a Regular Classroom of Primary School in TalwanThe Demographic Pro[de of Music Undergraduates in Malaysian Public UniversitiesComparative Studies on Higher Education of Music in Hong Kong, Talwan,and MacauThe Music of the Three Whales: An Investigation into Kabalevsky's About the Three Whales and Many Other Things7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education ResearchGetting Connected: A Case Study of Music Concerts in KindergartenMei-Ying Liao, Lee-Ching Wei, Yu-Mei Hung, Mei-Rong Tai Effect of Intensive Instruction on Elementary Students' Memory for Culturally Unfamiliar MusicSteven J. Morrison, Steven M. Demorest, Patricia Shehan Campbell, Sarah J. Bartoiome,J. Christopher RobertsThe Usage of the "Luogu Text" of Chinese Percussion Music in the Musical Teaching Yu PengThe Effects of Audio-Only and Audio-Visual Presentations of Jazz Music on Middle School Students' Analytic and Affective Responses Robert M. Pitzer, Steven J. Morrison……


插图:Kam Raw was the youngest of seven children, one girl and six boys. Two of hisbrothers were good singers and he considers his oldest brother to have been the bestsinger in the village. There were also some other very good singers in the village. Inthis environment Kam learned a large part of his repertoire simply by growing up, andin many cases he does not know when or from whom he learned particular songs.Apart from the stimulation in his home and at play with other children Kam seescertain other situations as particularly important in his learning process. One was thesinging that occurred among young boys and unmarried young men when they livedtogether in the common-house of the village. Another situation for picking up songswas while walking in connection with journeys related to trading or seasonal workaway from home.Above all he mentions the singing that was done in the fields especially during themonths immediately before the harvesting season. At that time of year —— roughlyfrom August to September —— young boys lived in the fields in order to watch over thegrowing rice and to guard it from birds and wild animals. The evenings and nightswere spent in small field houses. This was a time when the youngest children learnedsinging and how to play certain musical instruments from their older friends.When Kam first stayed in a field he was about ten years of age. In the eveningsthe boys of neighbouring fields used to gather in one of the field houses where theolder boys would teach songs to the younger ones. Often enough this seems to havetaken the form of proper lessons during which two, three or even more songs weretaught. The one who knew a song well would sing it and the others tried to copy him.Mistakes would be corrected by the 'teacher' and during the following days the'pupils' would practice and try to memorize the new songs. When necessary theywould correct each other or the ' teacher' would do so if he happened to be about. Atthis time of year the boys also did some hunting and fishing. Songs were taught alsoon these occasions, particularly while walking along forest paths in small groups ortwo by two.






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