

李力 上海外语教育出版社











Preface1 The Influence of Achievement Motivation and Attributional Beliefs on EFL Learning Strategy Use 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Aims of the Study 1.1.2 Terminology 1.2 Related Previous Studies and Findings 1.2.1 Studies of Learning Strategies 1.2.2 Motivation and Strategy Use 1.2.3 Attribution and Strategy Use 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Subjects 1.3.2 Instrumentation 1.3.3 Data Collection and AnaIysis Procedures 1.4 Data Analyses and Findings 1.4.1 Typical Types of Learning Strategies and Variation in Strategy Use by Proficiency 1.4.2 Do Different Levels of Achievement Motivation Have an Effect on the Useof Learning Stra tegies ? 1.4.3 The Best Predictors' of Learning Strategies in Relation to theAttributional Beliefs and Causal Models of Learning Strategies Based on Attributional Beliefs 1.5 Discussions and Implications 1.5.1 Discussions 1.5.2 Implications 1.6 Summary2 A Relationship Study of English Learning Strategies, Learning Styles and EnglishAchievement 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Research Background 2.1.2 Research Purposes 2.1.3 Hypotheses 2.1.4 Definitions 2.2 Previous Studies on Learning Strategies 2.2.1 Oxford's CLassification of Learning Strategies 2.2.2 Psychological Types 2.2.3 Relationship Between MBTI and Language Learning 2.2.4 Findings of Relevant Factors Influencing English LearningStrategies ……3 Learning Techniques for Non-English Majors4 Cooperative Learning:Affective Factors and the Teaching of College English in China5 Constructivism and Macrostrategies for FLT6 An Investigation and Analysis on Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom Context


  The result of the present study shows that metacognitive strategies, compensation strategies, and cognitive strategies are the best predictors of English achievement. Cognitive strategies and compensation strategies directly involve the target language. Take cognitive strategies for example, using resources help students to better understand the target language. Printed resources such as dictionaries, word lists, grammar books, and phrase books may be valuable. Encyclopedias, travel guides, magazines, and general books on culture and history can provide useful background information so that learners can better understand the spoken or written language. Resources also include tapes, TV, videocassettes, radio, museums, and exhibitions, among others. Analyzing expressions, which refers to break down a new word, phrase, sentence, or even-paragraph into its component parts, is also an effective strategy to understand English. Taking notes is another important strategy for listening and reading. Summarizing strategy can be more challenging and sometimes more useful than taking notes, because it often requires greater condensation of thought.  Compensation strategy can help students to understand contexts even if they come across difficulties. Guessing intelligently is one of the essential strategies.  Metacognitive strategy can help students to monitor and control their cognitive processing. Their English proficiency can be improved by using the metacognitive strategies of self-monitoring and self-evaluating.   ……




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