

侯维瑞 编 上海外语教育出版社





侯维瑞 编  








IntroductionPART ONEAspects of Language in Literature1 Register as a Literary Technique1.1 Levels of Formality in English1.1.1 The First Range: Written and Spoken English1.1.2 The Second Range. Formal and Informal English1.1.3 The Third Range. Polite and Familiar Language1.2 Register as a Vehicle for Characterization1.3 Register for Ironic and Dramatic Effect1.4 Reading and Discussion1.4.1 Charles Dickens: Great Expectations1.4.2 James Joyce: "Clay" .1.4.3 Joseph Heller: Catch-221.4.4 A.G. Gardiner: "On Big Words" .1.5 Selected Bibliography for Further Reading2 Syntax2.1 Coordination and Subordination2.2 Periodic Sentence and Loose Sentence2.3 Sentence Length2.4 Ellipsis and Repetition2.5 Inversion2.6 Balance: Parallelism, Antithesis, and Symmetry2.7 Reading and Discussion (I)2.7.1 Margaret Drabble: "The Flight from Paris", Jerusalem The Golden2.7.2 John Keats: "On First Looking into Chapmans Homer"2.7.3 John Lyly: A Description of the Hero in Euphues2.7.4 Jane Austen: A Study of the Sentence-length of the Opening Paragraphs of Emma2.8 Reading and Discussion (II)2.8.1 Parallelism2.8.2 The Effect of Short Coordinate Sentences2.8.3 Parallelism: A Comparative Study3 Irony3.1 Introduction3.2 Ironic Techniques (I)3.3 Ironic Techniques (II)3.4 Reading and Discussion3.4.1 Jane Austen: Emma3.4.2 Evelyn Waugh: Love Among the Ruins3.4.3 Evelyn Waugh. A Handful of Dust3.4.4 William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar3.5 Selected Bibliography for Further Reading4 Imagery4.1 Introduction4.2 Imagery in Poetry4.3 Imagery in Fiction (I)4.4 Imagery in Fiction (II)4.5 Reading and Discussion David Storey: Howarth from Flight into Camden4.6 Selected Bibliography for Further Reading5 Sound and Rhythm5.1 Sound5.1.1 Rhyme5.1.2 Sound and Meaning5.2 Rhythm5.2.1 Meter5.2.2 Rhythm and Meaning5.3 Reading and Discussion5.4 Selected Bibliography for Further ReadingPART TWOExplication of Text: A Method of Analysis and SomeExamples6 D.H. Lawrence: The Opening Passage of "Odour of Chrysanthemums"6.1 Introduction6.2 Text6.3 Explication6.3.1 Lexical Features6.3.1.1 Nouns6.3.1.2 Verbs6.3.1.3 Adjectives6.3.1.4 Adverbs6.3.1.5 General6.3.2 Grammatical Features6.3.2.1 Sentence Complexity6.3.2.2 Word Classes6.3.3 Figures of Speech6.3.3.1 Schemes6.3.3.2 Metaphor and Simile6.3.4 Cohesion and Context6.3.4.1 Lexical Repetition6.3.4.2 Definite Article6.3.4.3 Other Contextual Features7 Henry James: The Opening Passage of "The Pupil"7.1 Introduction7.2 Text7.3 Explication7.3.1 Lexical Features7.3.1.1 Nouns7.3.1.2 Adjectives7.3.1.3 Verbs7.3.1.4 Adverbs7.3.1.5 General7.3.2 Grammatical Features7.3.2.1 Sentence Structure7.3.2.2 Subordinate Clauses7.3.2.3 Verb Phrases7.3.2.4 Negatives7.3.3 Figures of Speech7.3.3.1 Irony7.3.3.2 Other Ironic Signals7.3.4 Cohesion and Context7.3.4.1 Elegant Variation7.3.4.2 Coreference Generally7.3.4.3 Context7.4 Conclusion8 Jane Austen: A Passage from Persuasion8.1 Text8.2 Explication9 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Its Language and Style9.1 Introduction9.2 Text9.3 Explication10 J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye, an Investigation of Its Language10.1 Text10.2 Explication10.3 More Examples for StudyAPPENDⅨ I: 文学形像的民族性及翻译APPENDⅨ Ⅱ: Bamboo or Mushroom: Imagery in Chinese Poetry and Its TranslationAPPENDⅨ Ⅲ: 英诗的韵律及其表意功能APPENDⅨ Ⅳ: 英汉诗歌音韵表意功能比较Bibliography


  UNGUISTIC ANALYSIS AND I.I RARY APPRECNION: A UNGUISliCAPPROACH 10 LHEIVgiJRE  Literature-based Approach Re-evaluatedAt a time when there is a considerable decline in the prestige ofEnglish literature study as part of foreign language teaching, Chi-nese higher education is now witnessing an increasing interest inforeign literature teaching in its language departments and institu-tes. Never has there been such a constant deluge of literary textsand such a continuing inflow of literature teachers from abroad.History of English Literature and History of American Literaturehave, in most English departments, become core courses at thethird- and fourth-year levels, and many departments are now of-fering optional courses in English poetry, American poetry, mod-ern drama, the Victorian novel, Romantic poetry, twentieth-century fiction and even courses in Canadian and Australian liter-ature. Following this break-through in syllabus design, a funda-mental change in teaching approach is also taking shape.


  《文学文体学》 以油印教材为蓝本,个别地方作了细微的调整,并附上侯维瑞先生公开发表的三篇相关学术论文。侯维瑞先生是我国英语研究界的一位著名学者,英年早逝。出版他的遗作,既表达对他的思念,同时也为广大英语文学研究者提供一部难得的读本。2O世纪语言学的发展极大地促进了文学研究,国外的英语文学研究界在上世纪中叶即开始把文体学的研究成果应用于文学研究,并通过对文学文本的语言信息分析来阐释和评论文学文本。在国内,侯维瑞先生较早进行了这方面的探索与研究,并从1981年开始在上海外阁语学院[上海外国语大学前身]英语系独立开设“文学作品语言风格研究”课程,这在国内当属开拓之举。后来,侯维瑞先生根据多年研究和教学实践,于1996年编写了油印教材《文学文体学》,作为上海外国语大学英语学院研究生教材。





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