伊恩·雅克(Ian Jacques) 东北财经大学出版社 (2008-09出版)
本书是一本商务与经济数学的基础教材。它主要面向经济学、工商管理专业的低年级本科生。本书的语言浅显易懂,内容深入浅出,栏目设置灵活多样,书中含有大量的例题。这使得本书不像传统的数学教科书那样枯燥,对读者更具吸引力,从而部分减轻了一些读者对学习数学的恐惧心理。 本书也可作为一本自学教材。本书涉猎广泛,从最基础的数学知识,如百分比和线性方程,到较为复杂的数学问题,多如变量函数的有约束优化问题,均有所涉及。因此,本书既可以用于低层次的数量方法课程,也可用于高层次的数量方法课程。
作者:(英国)伊恩·雅克(Ian Jacques)
绪论 入门指南第1章 线性方程1.1 线性方程的图1.2 线性联立方程组的代数解1.3 供求分析1.4 代数1.5 公式变换1.6 国民收入决定第2章 非线性方程2.1 二次函数2.2 收益、成本与利润2.3 指数与对数2.4 指数与自然对数函数第3章 金融数学3.1 百分比3.2 复利3.3 几何数列3.4 投资评估第4章 微分4.1 函数的导数4.2 微分法则4.3 边际函数4.4 微分的进一步扩展结果4.5 弹性4.6 经济函数的最优化4.7 经济函数的进一步优化4.8 指数和自然对数函数的微分第5章 偏微分5.1 多变量函数5.2 偏弹性和边际函数5.3 比较静态5.4 无约束优化5.5 有约束优化5.6 拉格朗日乘数第6章 积分6.1 不定积分6.2 定积分第7章 矩阵7.1 矩阵基本运算7.2 矩阵的逆7.3 克莱姆法则7.4 投入一产出分析第8章 线性规划8.1 线性规划问题的图形求解8.2 线性规划的应用第9章 动态9.1 差分方程9.2 微分方程附录A:微分的基本原理附录B:隐微分附录C:海赛矩阵
I am always amazed by the mix of students on first-year economics courses. Some have not acquired any mathematical knowledge beyond elementary algebra (and even that can be of a rather dubious nature), some have never studied economics before in their lives, while others have passed preliminary courses in both. Whatever category you are in, I hope that you will find this book of value. The chapters covering algebraic manipulation, simple calculus, finance and matrices should also benefit students on business studies and accountancy courses.The first few chapters are aimed at complete beginners and students who have not taken mathematics courses for some time. I would like to think that these students once enjoyed mathematics and had every intention of continuing their studies in this area, but somehow never found the time to fit it into an already overcrowded academic timetable. However, I suspect that the reality is rather different. Possibly they hated the subject, could not understand it and dropped it at the earliest opportunity. If you find yourself in this position, you are probably horrified to discover that you must embark on a quantitative methods course with an examination looming on the horizon. However, there is no need to worry. My experience is that every student, no matter how innumerate, is capable of passing a mathematics examination.All that is required is a commitment to study and a willingness to suspend any prejudices about the subject gained at school. The fact that you have bothered to buy this book at all suggests that you are prepared to do both.