曹湘洪 编
跨文化交际是一项自古延续到今的人类交际活动。随着现代通讯手段和航空事业的快速发展,全球经济一体化的冲击以及近年一些国家移民高潮的出现,跨文化交际在世界范围内变得日益普遍。自20世纪60年代起,国外学者从人类学、心理学、语言学和文化学的角度开始研究不同文化交际的差异和跨文化交际的动态多变现象,并且取得了可喜的成果。我国的跨文化交际研究起步于20世纪80年代。学者们一方面介绍和引进国外的新理论和新观点,另一方面又从语言的实际出发,对比不同文化在语言和非语言方面的差别,以及指出文化是如何影响人们交际的。国内外学者在跨文化交际研究方面做出的努力促使了该学科的快速发展,其理论研究和实证探索日趋成熟。 在20世纪80年代末,跨文化交际课程被引入中国高校的课堂。到目前为止,我国已有几十所大学的外语院系开设了这门课程。根据2000年《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》的精神,跨文化交际课属于英语专业知识必修课,老师应针对英语学习者对外交往和外语学习的需要,进行多方位的文化对比和分析,使学生了解中英文化差异和文化冲突所在,提高他们对交际误区的洞察能力,进而提高他们的跨文化交际能力。基于此,我们编写了《跨文化交际教程新编》这本教材。本教材力图遵循理论和实践结合的原则,吸收和借鉴西方学者在该领域的最新成果,以跨文化交际学的基本理论和主要内容为基本理论框架,结合其他相关理论知识,阐明文化和语言之间的相互关系、文化价值观对语言和交际的影响作用、言语及非言语方面的主要跨文化差异,以及在不同交际场合中的不同文化差异现象。此外,本教材还以真实案例分析和交际失误分析练习诠释理论,以此加深高校英语学习者对语言、文化和交际之间关系的理解,帮助他们解决跨文化交际中因文化差异所产生的困惑和问题,提供处理不同语境下的跨文化交际问题的基本知识和技能,最终提高其跨文化交际的意识和能力。 本教程主编新疆师范大学外国语学院曹湘洪教授担任设计和全稿统筹,并负责修改、增删及定稿。
前言Unit 1 Intercultural Communication 1.1 Definition of Intercultural Communication 1.2 Forms of Intercultural Communication 1.3 Reasons for Increasing Intercultural Communication 1.4 The Importance of Studying Intercultural Communication 1.5 The Rise ancl Development of Intercultural Communication Study Summary ExercisesUnit 2 Culture and Communication 2.1 Culture 2.2 Communication 2.3 Intercultural Communication Shocks Summary ExercisesUnit 3 Culture and Language 3.1 Language 3.2 The Relationship Between Language and Culture Summary ExercisesUnit 4 Intercultural Differences in Verbal Communication 4.1 Cultural Differences at Lexical Level 4.2 Cultural Differences in Idioms. Proverbs and Sayings 4.3 Cultural Differences at Syntactic Level 4.4 Cultural Differences at Discourse Level 4.5 Cultural Differences at Speech Act Level Summary ExercisesUnit 5 Intercultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication 5.1 Non-verbal Communication 5.2 Non-verbal Communication and Culture 5.3 Interpretation and Management of Non-verbal Communication in Cultures Summary ExercisesUnit 6 Intercultural Differences in Business and Educational Contexts 6.1 Context and Communication 6.2 Intercultural Differences in Business Context 6.3 Intercultural Differences in Educational Context Summary ExercisesUnit 7 GIobalization and Cultural Diversity 7.1 Globalization 7.2 Cultural Diversity Summary ExercisesReferences
Unit 1 Intercultural Communication Studying a second language without learning the culture is hke learning how to drive acar by studying a drivers manual and never getting behind a steering wheel. ——K. I. Irving Intercultural communication is not something new. As a matter of fact, it is as old ashumankind and has existed ever since people from different cultures have been contacting oneanother. "From wandering tribes to traveling traders and religious missionaries, people haveencountered others different from themselves" (Samovar & Porter 2007: 7). A typical examplefrom Chinese history is the role of the famous "Silk Road", beginning before 200 B. The SilkRoad enabled people from Asia, Africa, and Europe to interact with one another. Another case inpoint was Marco Polos travel to China with his father and uncle along the Silk Road from Venice in Italy during the 13th century. His book The Book of Travels gave Europeans some of their earliest information about China. These are just two of the many examples of intercultural communication in the history of China in particular. Today, we are living in a quite different world in which people from different cultureshave increasing interaction with each other due to the changes in technology, travel,economy, political systems and immigration patterns. It naturally follows that intercultural contact has become more frequent, more abundant, and more important than ever before(Zhang Ailing 2003). Whether we like it or not, those interactions will eontinue to increaseall over the world. Such encounters require the development of communication skills and abilities that aresuited to a multicultural society and to life in a global village. How does one manage oneself in the presence of diverse cultures? Do we know what to say or how to behave in a new environment?How is cultural diversity reflected in our daily lives?