刘海燕,王俊英,郭素芬 编
《学科王·同步课时练习:英语(4年级下)(新课标人PEP)》同步最新教材,分课时全程训练,课内外循序渐进,重难点全面突破。 《学科王·同步课时练习:英语(4年级下)(新课标人PEP)》适合教师课上检测基础知识、反馈教学效果时使用。学生课后巩固重难点、提升解题能力时使用。家长课外辅导学生培优提高时使用。《学科王·同步课时练习:英语(4年级下)(新课标人PEP)》适用于对基础知识掌握不牢的学生。对知识灵活运用能力较弱的学生。希望通过训练解题技能快速提高成绩的学生。
Unit1 Our SchoolPart A Let's learn Let's doPart A Let's talk Let's playPart A Read and write A 阶段复习训练Part C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let's单元检测Unit2 What Time Is It?Part B Let's learn Let's chantPart C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let's sing Story time单元检测Unit3 Is This Your Skirt?Part B Let's learn Let's chant Part C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let's期中检测Unit4 It's Warm TodayPart C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let'sUnit5 How Much Is It?Part A Let'slearn Let's chantPart A Let's talk Group workPart A Read and write A阶段复习训练Part B Let's talk Group workPart C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let'sUnit 6 At a FarmPart A Let's learn Let's do Part A Let's talk Let's playPart A Rwad and writeA阶段复习训练Part B Let's learn Let's chant Part B Let’s talk Let's play Part C Task time Pronunciation Let's check Good to know Let's期末检测听力材料及参考答案