[美]Paul Levine
Postwar America is an up-to-date
history of the United States from the presidency of Harry Truman at
the end of World War II to the presidency of Barack Obama today. By
taking an interdisciplinary approach, Professor Paul Levine
combines political, social and cultural history to explore American
life during the last seven decades. Among the themes he discusses
are: racism and mulficulturalism;civil rights and civil society;
the Cold War and Soft Power; immigration and the American Dream.
Postwar America is a distillation of lectures Paul Levine delivered
at two Fulbright-sponsored seminars for Chinese postgraduate
students held at Shantou University and Beijing Foreign Studies
University in 2009 and 2010. The lectures have been revised to
serve as a general introduction for all Chinese university
students. Paul Levine is Professor Emeritus in American Literature
at Copenhagen University and a former Fulbright Professor at East
China Normal University.
Paul Levine is Emeritus Professor of
American Literature at Copenhagen University. He was born in
Brooklyn, New York,and attended Wesleyan and Princeton Universities
before receiving a Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization
from Harvard.Levine taught at Wesleyan, Rochester and York
(Toronto) Universities before becoming the first Professor of
American Literature in Copenhagen (1975-2006). He also held the
Salgo Chair in American Studies at Eotvos Lorand University in
Budapest (1986-9) and directed the Athens American Studies Seminar
for fifteen years (1994-2009). Professor Levine publishes widely on
literature, art, film and culture. He collaborated with E. L.
Doctorow on a volume of the novelisfs Screenplays (Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2003) and a new edition of America Since 1945:
The American Moment,(with Harry Papasotiriou) was published by
Palgrave in 2011. He has twice received royal honors in Denmark and
holds the title of Ridder af Dannebrogorden, 1st Kl. (2000).
Professor Levine first went to China in 2001 at the invitation of
the U.S. State Department to help create a graduate program in
American Studies at East China Normal University. In 2004 he was
awarded a Fulbright Professorship at ECNU for three semesters. In
2005 ECNU granted him the title of Guest Professor. After retiring
from Copenhagen in 2006, he served as director of regional studies
and the new Center for International Studies (2007-11) at Shantou
University. He and his wife, Lily Varidald-Levine, now live in
Copenhagen and Athens.
1.Harry Truman and the Origins of the Cold War
2.Dwight Eisenhower: An Age of Affluence and Anxiety
3.Martin Luther King: Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs
4.From JFK to LBJL The Liberal Hour
5.Richard Nixon: Years of Hope, Days of Rage
6.Ronald Reagan and the Cycles of American Politics
7.George H.W.Bush and the new World Order
8.Bill Clinton and the Crisis of Civil Society
9.Geroge W.Bush and the Immigration Debate
10.Barack Obama and the New Politics of Race
Recommended Reading
版权页:插图:As we have seen, Tocqueville was impressed with how Americans associated in informal groups to solve problems that weak local and national governments could not resolve. For him the connection between thevitality of civil society and the practice of democracy was clear. Americanswere freer than Europeans not only because they were more egalitarian,but because they created a more inclusive civil society.During the nineteenth century, American civic participation grewrapidly. In the twentieth century, citizen's groups continued to flourish,except during the Depression, until the end of the 1950s. And thensomething strange happened, says Putnam. "For the first two-thirds ofthe twentieth century a powerful tide bore Americans into ever deeperengagement in the life of their communities, but a few decades ago——silently, without warning——-that tide reversed and we were overtaken by atreacherous rip current." Over the past thirty years, "Americans havebeen dropping out in droves, not merely from political life, but fromorganized community life more generally."The signs are everywhere, from the fall in church-going through thedecline in volunteering to the loss of membership in bowling leagues.More Americans than ever are bowling~ninety-one million in 1996-but more are "bowling alone." Significantly, the drop-out rate in civicparticipation is lower among older Americans born before World War IIthan among so-called "Baby Boomers" born between 1946 and 1964.But the drop-out rate is highest among "Generation X" members bornafter 1965. Moreover, the decline in civic participation is matched by asimilar decline in mental health. "The younger you are, the worse thingshave gotten over the last decades of the twentieth century in terms ofheadaches, indigestion, sleeplessness, as well as general satisfaction withlife and even likelihood of taking your own life."