

杨翠萍,陈洁倩,蔡莉 主编 清华大学出版社





杨翠萍,陈洁倩,蔡莉 主编  




  作为国家级“十一五”规划教材,《大学商务英语综合教程》是一套依据现代外语教育对教材意义及功能的更新理念和应用语言学专门用途英语的最新研究成果设计和编写的、融英语语言知识及技能和国际商务知识及技能于一体的复合型英语教材。  本教材既可供高校英语专业或商务英语专业的本、专科学生使用,也可供国际经济贸易、金融、财会、工商管理等专业的学生作为复合型专业英语教材使用,还可作为大学英语选修课教材及相关行业的培训教材。  本教材的宗旨是:遵循现代外语教学理念和应用语言学专门用途英语的教学原则;充分考虑学习者在经济、贸易、金融、管理等方面的专业需求,力求以人为本,将英语技能的培养和专业知识的学习有机地结合起来,满足学生在专业和英语两方面的需求;提高学生的商务英语交际能力;拓宽学生的知识领域,全面提高学生的综合素质。  本教材是一套培养复合型、应用型人才的语言实践课教材,其设计和编写完全是从提高学生的综合语言应用能力出发,针对中国学生在商务英语方面的薄弱环节和实际需要,做到了有的放矢。教材的主要特点体现在以下几个方面:  一、选材新颖,内容丰富。本教材在选材上注重内容的知识性、趣味性、可思性、时效性和前瞻性,同时也注重语言的规范性和致用性。教材中专业知识覆盖面广,涉及了商务活动的各个方面,如市场竞争、营销策略、经营风险、企业管理、财税管理、商业文化、电子商务、国际化等。所用材料全部摘自国外主要经济、金融、管理等方面近年来的报刊、杂志、专业书籍以及因特网上的最新信息。而且,许多资料,如商务文件、信函、广告、产品说明书等都是来自某些企业、公司或公共场所的全真语料,旨在为学习者创造一个真实、生动的交际环境,有效地激发他们的学习欲望,使他们能自觉地提高自己用英语进行商务活动的能力。  二、以任务为路径,以交际为目的。本教材注重吸收国外商务英语教学及研究领域的成果,努力实现国外先进理论和国内实践的有机统一。教材遵循任务型编写原则,强调教学过程中的互动性,突出对学生交际能力的培养,通过灵活多样的商务活动情景或场合,为学习者设计了形式各异的交际任务,如双人讨论、小组讨论、角色扮演、情景模拟等,鼓励学生在完成任务的过程中发挥主动性,积极合作,将课堂所学用于实践,并将自己生活中的经历和观点融入交际活动中,以实现学以致用,提高交际能力的目的。  三、内容设计严谨,综合应用性强。本教材的每个单元由“导入活动(Lead?in)”、“阅读活动(Reading)”、“商务交流(Business Communication)”和“专业扩展(Relevant Extension)”四部分组成。各部分内容的设计与编写坚持了操作性与挑战性并重的原则,以保持学生的学习热情和自觉实践的积极性。


  本教程为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,选材涵盖当今国际经济贸易和商务的重要领域,时效性强、典型性高,语言地道。  教程板块设计突出国际商务知识的传授与英语技能提高的有机结合,注重培养学生的实际应用能力。每个单元重点讨论、分析一个商务专题,由“导入活动”、“阅读活动”、“商务交流”和“专业扩展”四部分组成。各部分内容的设计和编写坚持了操作性与挑战性并重的原则,以保持学生的学习热情和自觉实践的积极性。其中的“商务交流”板块围绕单元主题,参照各种真实的商务交际情景,为学生设计了灵活多样的商务英语口头与书面交际的任务,是本教程的一大特色。  本教程适合大学商务英语专业的学生及BEC(Business English Certificates)等商务英语考试的备考人员使用。


Unit One Business Leadership Lead?in Reading: When It?s Time to Think Again Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Two Communication Lead?in Reading: Employees Want to Hear It “Straight” from the Boss?s Mouth Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Three Teamwork Lead?in Reading: Executives Must Pull Together like Rowers in the Boat Race Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Four Customer Service Lead?in Reading: Customer Service Champs Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Five Innovations Lead?in Reading: Businesses Must Learn to Let Go Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Six Human Resources Lead?in Reading: The Search for Talent Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Sever Business Crisis Lead?in Reading: Why Good Times Are the Most Dangerous Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Eight Business Ethics Lead?in Reading: Integrating Ethics at the Core Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Nine International Trade Lead?in Reading: Exports Are Giving the Economy a Surprise Lift Business Communication Relevant ExtensionUnit Ten Globalization Lead?in Reading: Emerging Giants Business Communication Relevant Extension附录1 Glossary附录2 Phrases & Expressions


  [6] At times of rapid change, boards may understand well that they need to start doingsomething differently——but what?  [7] And then there are those top teams that are simply dysfunctional, pulling in differentdirections at the same time, failing to communicate properly, in a state of war.  [8] Psychological assessment can help teams work together better. This is done by analyzingwhat sorts of personalities the group contains, how they are behaving towards each other and, byobserving closely what is going on in the room, whether meetings are productive and so on.  [9] But the classic "career ladder" may be part of the problem here. Getting to the top inbusiness will probably mean focusing narrowly and ruthlessly on your own discipline, in order toachieve the sort of results that will get you noticed. But upon joining the senior executive team akind of collegiality is required. It is no longer good enough to keep your head down while drivingtowards your personal goals. The top team has collective responsibility for the health andperformance of the organization.  [10] "Your role has changed and so your behavior has to change," Dr Marx says. And thatcan be painful —— especially when the stakes are high and the strategic challenges are complicated.That is why you hear so much talk about companies seeking people who are "comfortable withambiguity." At the highest level you will be asked to perform in areas that are beyond yourexpertise, outside your "comfort zone," where not all the facts can be known.  [11] The successful top teams of the future will display what Dr Marx calls "cognitivediversity"——that is, they will have a breadth of outlook and approach. A team may appear to bediverse on the surface, ticking various politically correct boxes, but how will the team think andreact? That rainbow coalition may in fact be nothing more than an army of clones.




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