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  《高中英语词语辨析》是笔者依据教育部《普通高中英语课程标准》(2003年版本),为解决高中英语教学中遇到的有关词语辨析的疑难问题而编写的,供高中生学习英语和参加高考使用,本书也可作为英语教师备课的参考资料以及相当程度的英语爱好者的辅助参考书。  在编写过程中,笔者在选择各组词时,以常用词及短语为主,根据平时教学中学生常遇到的词义辨析方面的问题,从高中生学习英语的实际需要出发,既收入了同义词、近义词,还收入了一些容易混淆的词及短语。每组词的解释和说明力求简明扼要,通俗易懂,突出说明词与词、短语与短语之间的主要区别。为了使解释和说明更加清楚,在每个词(或短语)的下面都有若干例句。例句力求针对解释和说明,做到层次分明,能够较准确地体现它们之间的差异。同时,所用例句尽可能地做到浅近易懂,避免深奥难解。  由于时间仓促和编写经验不足,书中错误和疏漏在所难免,敬请读者批评指正。






A abandon desert give up abolish cancel get rid of absence presence absorb take in abundant rich wealthy accent voice accident incident accompany company accomplish finish achieve account explanation accumulate increase add to accurate exact accuse charge ache pain acknowledge appreciate thank acquire gain obtain acute sensitive admire envy advice advise advise persuade affair business event affect effect influence aid help assist air atmosphere alike like alive living live allow permit admit let promise already still yet although though as altogether all together amaze astonish surprise shock among between amuse entertain announce declare annoy bother interrupt trouble worry answer reply respond anxious eager appear look seem area district region  argue debate quarrel arrive get to reach ashamed shameful asleep sleepy sleeping aspect respect assume guess suppose attempt intend try available accessible awake awaken wake wakenB ban forbid bank beach coast shore base basis basic primary beard moustache beat defeat win beat hit knock strike beautiful handsome pretty because since for as become get go turn believe believe in trust below beneath down under besides except except for blame scold bonus allowance borrow lend break down break up broad wide burglar thief buy purchaseC call on call at call in call for call up, can but cannot but care for care about (be) careful of (be) careful with cause reason celebrate congratulate certain sure chance opportunity character characteristic chief main major circumstance environment situation. clever smart wise climate weather close closely  cloth clothing clothes collect gather college university collision conflict combine connect join mix command demand common ordinary compare...with... compare...to complete entire whole confuse puzzle contain include content satisfied cost pay spend take couple pair crime criminal crossing crossroads cry weep sob cure treat custom habitDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW参考文献


  这三个词都可表示“希望”,其用法有所不同。  hope表示“说话者认为想要做的事情通过努力可以实现;或未来可能的希望”。后常接从句、不定式,有时可用作不及物动词。  I hope the weather would be favourable.  我希望天气会好。  We are hoping that you will accept our offer.  我们希望你能接受我们的提议。  I hope to find you in a better spirit when we meet again.  我希望我们下次见面时你的精神状态更好一些。  l hope to be admitted by Beijing University.  我希望能被北京大学录取。  We’ve had no news from him but we’re still hoping.  我们还没有他的任何消息,但是我们仍在期待着。  hope的过去式接不定式的完成式或had hoped接不定式的一般式,表示原来有此希望,但未能实现。  I hoped to have finished the work by now.  我本打算这个时候已经完成工作,可是未能实现。  I had hoped to save more money.  我本来希望能够存更多的钱。(其实未能)  hope后不能直接跟名词或名词词组作宾语,此时要用hopefor。也不能说hope sb.to do sth.,要用hope接宾语从句的结构。  She’S hoping for her son’s early marriage.  她希望她的儿子能早日结婚。  I hope that she gets the job she’s applied for.  我希望她获得她申请的那份工作。  不能说I hope her to get the job she’s applied for.expect表示“期待、预料、指望(得到某东西或发生某情况)”。后接名词或代词、不定式、复合结构、宾语从句等。  Ill expect you for supper at six o’clock sharp。  我6点整等你来吃晚饭。  We expect a hot summer this yean  我们预料今年夏天会很热。  You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week.  不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。  I hardly expect to find you still here.  我真的没想到你还在这里。  Do you expect me to go shopping together with you?  你希望我和你一起去购物吗?  I expect John to be waiting for me.  我想约翰此刻在等我。  We expected that you would stay here.  我们想你会留下来。  l expect that we’ll succeed this time.  我想这次我们一定会成功。  与hope完全不同的是:expect既可接名词或代词作宾语,又可接不定式的复合结构。  wish表示“希望、想、愿”,其后可以接动词不定式、宾语从句(用虚拟语气)、带不定式的复合宾语等。  1 wish to express my warmest welcome to you.  我愿向你表示最热烈的欢迎。  l don’t wish to be disturbed in my work.  我在工作时不愿受到打扰。  1 wish(that)l hadn’t lost my watch.  我希望我没有丢失手表(实际已丢失)。  1 wish(that)1 wasn’t going to take an exam tomorrow.  我希望明天不用去考试(实际上还得去考)。  He wished me to accept his suggestions.  他希望我接受他的建议。  You know 1 wishyou to be happy,don’tyou?  你知道我希望你幸福,你知道吗?  另外,wish还可表示“祝愿”,而hope和expect不能。  We wish you a safe journey.  我们祝你旅行安全。  1 wish you a happy new year.  祝你新年快乐。




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我觉得还不错 不过有点不全面




