

康拉德 中国电力出版社













约瑟夫•康拉德于1857年12月3日出生在当时由沙俄统治的波兰乌克兰地区。其父母是热血的波兰爱国者,因参加民族独立运动被沙俄政府流放,10岁时,他在父母死后由好心的母舅抚养,在克拉科夫成长。1874年他前往马赛,在一艘法国商船上工作。这标志着康拉德航海激情的始发。其后,他在海上生活达20年,其阅历广及全世界的许多具有异域风情的地方。 1878年,康拉德加入了英国的商船队,并且开始学习英语,在船队的服务中,他得到了稳步的提升,并于1886年加入英国籍。在前往刚果的灾难性航行中所获得的经历给康拉德留下了极深刻的印象,并构成了他的小说《黑暗之心》(1902)的大背景。 有别于与他同时代的作家,康拉德的小说喜欢写孤独的主人公,让笔锋集中描述个体的人物及其遭遇到的难题;他笔下的热带和丛林地带背景中的人物更显得形单影只,这种效果是其它背景所绝难达到的。许多人认为,在探索有关生存的困惑、生存的潜意识及生存意义的丧失一类主体方面,康拉德是20世纪小说的先驱者。无疑,康拉德以小说的形式在更为具体化的层面上谴责了欧洲殖民主义者的贪婪与残酷。 康拉德逝世于1924年8月3日。




  中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会推荐。循序渐进读名著,潜移默化学英文,第一套规模最大的全面与新课标匹配的分级读物。  ·遍览西方经典文学名著,题材丰富多样;  ·语言生动地道,保留英文原汁原味;  ·对应剑桥英语等级考试;  ·双语对照满足学习与欣赏的要求;  ·英文注释版和英汉对照版,满足不同教学与阅读的需要。  这是一套针对英语为外语的学生而出版的世界文学名著分级读物。丛书的编写紧密结合新《英语课程标准》的要求,按难易程度分为6个级别,适合3-8级(即初一至高三)学生的阅读需求,帮助学生在语言技能、语言知识、学习策略和文化意识等方面达到新课标的培养目标。  丛书主要有以下特点:  囊括西方经典文学名著,在帮助学生提高语言水平的同时,能通过阅读与自己外语水平相当的简写本一窥文学名著之全貌。  按新课标分级,英汉对照版的各册词汇量从700词到3500词,满足中学生的阅读需要。语言难度循序渐进,有助于教师拓展学生的语言知识和文化背景信息,提升学生的英语阅读技能。  语言浅显、生动、地道,以英文注释的形式出版,既保留了英文的原汁原味,中英文双语注释又为读者在阅读英文时扫除了语言障碍,能够充分调动读者的阅读兴趣,使英语阅读更轻松。


  同名英文原版书火热销售中:Heart of Darkness





黑暗之心 PDF格式下载

   看这本书是由于TEEN WOLF前一段时间播第三季,他们文学课上讲的就是这本。当时以为是美国文学了。看完这本书后才知道,作者应该属于英国文学范畴。。。汗一个!!
   编剧水平蛮高的,营造气氛和制作借鉴了很多小说里面的东西,黑色的背景,很哥特。。。这篇文章取名黑吃黑就是因为, 书中用黑色的树林吞噬来者来暗示KURTZ,同样可以理解为被黑森林同化之后变黑了的人。
   作者波兰人,后来加入英国国籍,英语是他的第三语言(波兰语和法语他从小就会了)。他直到二十多岁才说流利的英语,最终进入了文学历史,还影响了一大堆包括 菲茨杰拉尔德,福克纳,海勒等等一大票大文豪,不是一般人。。话说回来, 维基百科形容写作风格时用了self-doubt, and pessimism,好吧,我曾不止一次被人说过我是个悲观的人,喜欢这本书也很自然。 他也说过他写书的目的是为了吸引读者的注意,这点很重要啊!!!读有些作者的书,让我想死的冲动都有了。
   看这个书,让我想到了当时看“现代启示录”时的震撼, 电影是写越战对于人性的扭曲,而这本书写的是主角到非洲寻找财富, 逐渐用独特的人格魅力和手段, 成为非洲土人的GOD一样的存在的故事,其实,我更愿意把它理解为殖民扩张对于人性的扭曲。
   我看完现代启示录时的感觉就跟书中叙事者经历了KURTZ的感觉一样, 没有经历过的人(听说过这个故事的人)无法了解,都生活在自己的世界中,起码是自己的意识为自己编织的世界中。


  Women as the Other
  Two women in black
  Since the publication of Heart of Darkness, it has weltered in lots of controversial voices. This book is regarded as a story about Marlow’s witness of the collapse of the civilization, which has nothing to do with women. Women are defined as a typical representative of the Other because in this novel, they are just anonymous images and Conrad himself has also been considered as a misogynist for a long time.
  But we must notice that the reason why Heart of Darkness enjoys so many reputations and attracted many generations is that it can be interpreted from various angles. Speaking honestly, it is also a story about, and for women. Women, usually defined as the Other, have great commands over Marlow – the lead and the leading society.
  It is not occasional that the trip is set in the dark continent of Africa. Reading carefully, it is not difficult to discover that it accords with the appearance of the two women in black. As a male author who lost his mother at the age of 5, Conrad’s knowledge about women is rather limited. As his wife Jessie says, “He had hardly known anything of a mother’s care, and had no sort of experience of any sort of home life” .
  Such an experience provokes Conrad’s curiosity about women, so it is not coincident that Marlow’s experience in the dark continent starts with two women in black sitting and knitting black wool at the door of the company in Brussels:
   "Two women, one fat and the other slim, sat on straw-bottomed chairs, knitting black wool. The slim one got up and walked straight at me – still knitting with downcast eyes – and only just as I began to think of getting out of her way, as you would for a somnambulist, stood still, and looked up. Her dress was as plain as an umbrella-cover, and she turned round without a word and preceded me into a waiting-room".
  From the paragraph, it can be inferred that those two women mark the opening of the door of the female order, or one could say the prelude to the wild darkness. Marlow’s inner monologue proves this viewpoint:
  "Often far away there I thought of these two, guarding the door of Darkness, knitting black wool as for a warm pall, one introducing, introducing continuously to the unknown, the other scrutinizing the cherry and foolish faces with unconcerned old eyes. Ave! Old knitter of black wool. "
  The two women are complicated characters, representing fate, destiny and mystery. Their gloomy images are closely connected with the later death of the late captain of the company and thus brought Marlow to the dark continent by asking him to take over the former position of the dead captain. Appearing at the beginning of the story, the two women forebode the misfortunes and miseries afterwards. Such a troubling incident leaves the readers to wonder if these two women are really creatures of this world. In fact, they do not belong to the “world” because the orthodox mainstream “world” to Marlow is the white, male-dominated world. He has a certain sense of priority, but in front of those two women, his pride disappears for he realizes that it is they who have the power to penetrate his inner world, a world symbolizing the heart of darkness because they are the guardians of darkness.
  The younger woman, still unfamiliar with the world, demonstrates the carefree attitude of men before they enter the Congo River, but the old woman, not subject to the primary desires of a man, could penetrate into what happens to men in the terrifying heart of darkness. The two women in black, as the Other, are of extreme significance because they are consequential roles who give colonists the opportunity to start and develop their activities.
  Kurtz’s mistress
  Congo River is compared to a snake and Marlow describes himself as a little bird tempted by the snake of the Congo River. This is not because Africa is a colony under the suppression of the imperialism, but due to the state of being fascinated and trapped by a vicious and powerful beauty – Kurtz’s mistress. Marlow is inevitably infatuated with her, while also afraid of her. On Marlow’s voyage, he feels that he is penetrating into the wilderness of the darkness which seems to be capable of listening, watching and whispering step by step. He is in the state of great void. However, the appearance of the African mistress opens a new window for him – she is a real human being who has a soul:
  "She stood looking at us without a stir, and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose…Suddenly she opened her bared arms and threw them up rigid above her head, as though in an uncontrollable desire to touch the sky, and at the same time the swift shadows darted out on the earth, swept around on the river, gathering the steamer into a shadowy embrace ".
  It is undeniable that Marlow is obsessed with her, such a mysterious, charming image. Marlow is lost and puzzled in the boundless wilderness, and she is the representation of the wilderness itself, so she is the only person who could solve Marlow’s puzzlement. In this sense, it is not hard to understand why he uses so many adjectives to describe her: wild, gorgeous, superb, wild-eyed and magnificent, etc. For a woman, all those words are utmost compliments. It is true that Conrad uses few sentences to describe women, which makes readers wonder that this work demonstrates a sense of discrimination against women because their voices and identities are waned. But it is such conciseness that stresses the importance of them because the brief description always leaves readers the wildest space of imagination and admiration. In this story, Kurtz’s mistress, as the Other, is much more than a marginalized image. As the Other, she is more powerful than Kurtz because behind her back, there is an unknown power which controls over Kurtz, Marlow and the male world. Nobody can clearly define what the real thing is, but the whole atmosphere she sends out awes and frightens those male chauvinistic men. Specifically, it is possible that Kurtz’s African mistress is not just a symbol of an African woman, but also a symbol of Africa and its internal darkness. Marlow's description of her seems to support this idea, for although this native woman is dark and savage, she is also gorgeous; furthermore, she is gorgeous because she is full of life, the vivid, passionate kind of life that has disappeared from Europe, which Marlow compares to sepulchres and tombs even before he has left for Africa.
  Kurtz’s intended
  Compared with Kurtz’s shining, enchanting, fiercely charming mistress, it is obvious that Kurtz’s intended is of a total opposite type of woman: innocent, unblemished, docile, totally loyal to Kurtz, pure as an angel, is a symbol of all the beauty, innocence and morals in the whole world – the male-oriented world. Judging from every angle of the western society, she is a perfect model for women, wives and perfect companions to the manly men of imperialist Europe.
  As a man, Marlow appreciates and wants to be protective to the fragile, delicate woman. But deep in his heart, he despises her for her lack of true knowledge of the real world and of men. As Marlow says, women are keepers of illusions; this obedient female is one of them. She is like an obedient sheep who is easily cheated and swallowed. From her disposition, it seems that she is put in a subordinate place and occupies no space in this story. But we must notice that the whole story ends in her appearance, which showcases her vital function. That pale, sentimental woman, devoted to Kurtz, continues her sweet dream in the lies Marlow fabricates for her. Because of her innocence, the supposed gloomy ending seems to see a weak light of hope. She, as the Other, symbolizes the torch in the desperate darkness and demonstrates the cruelty and brutality of the Self.


  Heart of Darkness]是第一人称叙事,很口语化。一个海员到非洲刚果一个贸易公司去做跑船,带领一群人开着破船去河流的上游找一个神奇的同事,一个非常有能力的连土著人都佩服他的 kurtz 先生。他们费劲力气找到先生后却发现他完全不是想象中的样子,而是做了土著人的神,压根不想回公司把自己找到的很多象牙交出去,那位先生是个(天才)疯子。疯子先生病死了他们则返回了河口。所谓“黑暗之心”说的就是非洲黑暗的丛林和比丛林更黑暗的人心,无须赘述。而这本书和[Lord Jim]之所以那么出名,除了Lord Jim的写作手法和资本主义的殖民问题,最吸引人的地方当然还是其航海主题。[Heart of Darkness]比较不纯粹是航海,不过也穿插着各种对海的感想。
  当年罗马士兵开船去英国,“ lose in wilderness..have been dying like flies.” 正如英国人两千年后开拓非洲大陆。 “going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings. An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable. The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish. There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine.” 同样的所谓 civilized man开拓蛮荒,有时沿着 a mighty big river, 迷失在丛林里死去。殖民者很可怜,混的好谁去追求危险的富贵呢。
  “Land in a swamp, march through the woods, and in some inland post feel the savagery, the utter savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him—all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men. He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable. And it has a fascination, too, that goes to work upon him. The fascination of the abomination—you know, imagine the growing regrets, the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate.”
  全书笼罩着黑色不详的气氛。在这样的气氛中生活如噩梦般不真实却被迫相信着。“ we live, as we dream, alone”。书中的寻找 kurtz先生也失去了原先的意义, “I can’t forget him, though I am not prepared to affirm the fellow was exactly worth the life we lost in getting to him.” Kurtz 先生找象牙好像也没啥实际意义,如果运不出去。
  除了叙述者是中性人物,没有一个好人,包括丛林里的 kurtz先生。尽管他的天才并不讨厌。全书让我有兴趣的是两点,第一是丛林里的先生,为什么他是这样 ,这个问题涉及到非洲贸易公司各种可鄙的愚笨的人和天才先生的反差,尽管所有人都有着黑暗的心;第二是(康拉德被人批评的)所谓对黑人或黑奴的歧视( “While I stood horror-struck, one of these creatures rose to his hands and knees, and went off on all fours towards the river to drink.” “well, you know, that was the worst of it—this suspicion of their not being inhuman.” ),如果不那么描述的话,怎么表述 --如何对待落后民族。第二个问题涉及到殖民的所谓工作是赚钱 (“to make money, of course. What do you think?” he said, scornfully.”“the only real feeling was a desire to get appointed to a trading-post where ivory was to be had, so that they could earn percentages) 还是开化落后民族 .
  康拉德把刚果丛林描述为黑暗的(魔法)森林,住着人一样的原始生物。和童话中擅闯此地的人一样,殖民者利欲熏心而猥琐胆小,唯一两个例外是 kurtz先生和叙述者,一个利欲熏心却精神强大的驯服了土著并且让他们具备了“攻击”的能力(所以他并不算是守财奴的堕落),叙述者也许不是故事中真实存在的人物,而是一只眼睛。整个故事真的很黑色童话。一个正直的骑士进入黑森林变堕落,或者干脆变成了魔王,用象牙诱惑贪婪的人类,当他们受尽折磨找来时他却死去了;或者说贪婪的人为了象牙进入森林却被下了咒语,堕落成财宝的奴隶了等等。
  对于 kurz, 书里是这么说的,“ All Europe contributed to the making of Kurtz; and by and by I learned that, most appropriately, the international society for the suppression of savage customs had entrusted him with the making of a report for its future guidance. And he had written it, too…..but this must have been before his—let us say—nerves, went wrong. Kurtz 自己的攻略是, “the white must necessarily appear to them[savages] in the nature of supernatural beings—we approach them with the might as of a deity.” 他成功了。这么看他确实可以作为贪婪野心殖民者的极致,代表他们强力的一面,对比于其他殖民者的无力的一面。可是 “I went a little farther, then till a little farther, till I had gone so far that I don’t know how I’ll ever get back.” 不敢说这一定是对英国殖民 pointlessness的质疑,或者作者只是觉得人只会被环境改变,而不是相反。作者觉得这是一种悲哀或许,无论如何一群可怜人为了追求一些东西,伤害了自己和别人,最后也不是想要的结果。
  除了kurtz先生,船上其他的人当然也拥有黑暗之心,不过平庸些罢了。 The banality of evil. 对这种 evil叙述者说了两点,第一是说谎“ you know I hate, detest, and can’t bear a lie. Not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appals me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies—which is exactly I have and detest in the world—what I want to forget.” 说谎和死亡连在一起。第二点是人在困境中表达出的恶劣品质。 Lack of restraint from lingering starvation. “catch’im….eat’im!” “Say! We must have made a glorious slaughter of them in the bush, Eh? What do you think? Say?” 平凡人的屠杀并不建立在野心引起的恨上,甚至可以说野心本身是不导致恨的。平凡人因为害怕而恨,是自卫,但是自卫听起来很不霸气。
  康拉德对土著的描写杜绝了很多读者同情的可能性,如果真的接受他的描写的话。与其说土著是一个文化或者社会,不如说他们是刚果丛林的生物,至少那个时代人的定义尚且争议,他们除了体型和最基本的思维别的也不大像人。和印第安土著不一样,(至少在书里)他们的心是空的,眼神也是空的,对陌生有本能的害怕,没有攻击性的弱小的不文明生物。 “the action was very far from being aggressive—it was not even defensive, in the usual sense; it was undertaken under the stress of desperation, and in its essence was purely protective.” 所谓他们的宗教也许在西方人的眼里简单的不成宗教,只是莫名其妙。可怕的是森林,却不是森林里的人。人并不是刚果森林的万物之灵而是之一。没有老虎可怕。他们的作用只是让人困惑他们到底是人不是。 “We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. It was very quiet there. At night sometimes the roll of drums behind the curtain of trees would run up the river and remain sustained faintly, as if hovering in the air high over our heads, till the first break of day. ” “an irresistible impression of sorrow.”









还有isak dineson和Vladimir Nabokov 等哈


