

宋宜贞 编 中国电力出版社





宋宜贞 编  






  为贯彻落实教育部《关于进一步加强高等学校本科教学工作的若干意见》和《教育部关于以就业为导向深化高等职业教育改革的若干意见》的精神,加强教材建设,确保教材质量,中国电力教育协会组织制订了普通高等教育“十一五”教材规划。该规划强调适应不同层次、不同类型院校,满足学科发展和人才培养的需求,坚持专业基础课教材与教学急需的专业教材并重、新编与修订相结合。本书为新编教材。  本书为普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材(高职高专教育)。本书根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)和《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》,结合编者多年的教学实践编写而成。  本书从英语教学的实际出发,结合目前高职高专学生的特点以及高等学校英语应用能力考试的具体要求,既可以使学生系统地学习语言基础知识,又注重对学生语言应用能力的培养,具有较强的针对性和实用性。  本书主体部分按照话语功能、课文学习、综合练习的体例编排,兼顾英语学习的听、说、读、写、译五方面要素。其中,TextA课文为一般性阅读材料,作为精读课文;TextB课文为应用性阅读材料,作为泛读课文。练习题型与高等学校英语应用能力考试形式一致,练习中的写作训练基本与TextB课文的应用文体裁一致,教程附录还向读者提供了英语应用能力考试词汇和2008年两套英语应用能力考试真题和题解,便于教师对学生进行考前辅导和学生自学备考。  本书配有多媒体光盘。运用现代化的教学技术制作了供师生使用的多媒体课件,声、像、图、文等媒体表现形式与学科内容有机结合。书中疑难问题和关键知识点的讲解即时可取,只需将鼠标移到某一个短语或难句就可以立即查看到释义,使用方便、效率明显,使课堂教学和课后自学都更加直观、便捷。  本书由徐州市广播电视大学宋宜贞主编,徐州工业职业技术学院李怀玉、徐州工程学院孙正峰、徐州建筑职业技术学院吴吴副主编,徐州市广播电视大学孙文振、丁桂玲、杜银冬、杨维炜、袁丹丹、刘淑红、李斯参与编写和课件制作工作。南京师范大学姚君伟教授对本教程进行了审阅。  本教程在编写过程中参阅了相关的资料,借鉴了一些文章,在此编者向相关作者表示诚挚的谢意。由于时间仓促和编者水平有限,书中难免有缺点错误,敬请读者批评指正。


本书为普通高等教育"十一五”规划教材(高职高专教育)。主要内容包含10个单元,每单元均包含Listening &Speaking(听说)、Text(课文)、Grammar(语法)、Exercise(练习)、Learning & Test Skills(学习和测试技巧)等部分。教程的主体部分按照话语功能、课文学习、综台练习的体例编排,兼顾英语学习的听、说、读、写、译五方面要素。附录部分提供了英语应用能力考试词汇和2008年两套英语应用能力考试真题和题解,便于教师对学生进行考前辅导和学生自学备考。   本书配有多媒体光盘。运用现代化的教学技术制作了供师生使用的多媒体课件, 声、像、图、文等媒体表现形式与学科内容有机结合,使用方便、效率明显,使课.堂教学和课后自学都更加直观、便捷。   本书可作为高职高专院校非英语专业教材。也可作为高等学校英语应用能力考试的参考用书。


前言Unit 1 How to Find “the Truth” Listening & Speaking Text A:A Wing and a Prayer Text B:How to Find “the Truth” Grammar:Tense时态(一) Exercises Learning & Test Skills Unit 2 Education Listening & Speaking Text A:Best Graduate Schools Text B:Learning:A Lifelong Career Grammar: Tense时态(二) Exercises Learning & Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 3 Financial Listening & Speaking Text A: Free-talking and Fast Results Text B: A Public Letter Grammar: Nonfinite Verbs非谓语动词(一) Exercises Learning & Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 4 Economies  Listening & Speaking Text A: Free-talking and Fast Results Text B: Studying in the United States Grammar: Nonfinite Verbs非谓语动词(二) Exercises  Learning & Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 5 Sports Listening & Speaking Text A: One World One Dream Text B: Olympic Flame Atop World's Highest Summit Grammar: Voice语态 Exercises Learnin9&Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 6 Development Listening&Speaking Text A:Chain Stores Text B:How to Write an Abstract Grammar:Attributive Clause定语从句 Exercises Learning&Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 7 Uninterrupted Hours Listenin9 & Speaking Text A:What Could You Do with Three Uninterrupted Hours? Text B:A Job Wanted Ad Grammar:Adverbial Clause状语从句 Exercises Learning&Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 8 Health Listening&Speaking Text A:Time to Stop Excuses for Lateness Text B:Human Body Grammar:Subjunctive Mood虚拟语气 Exercises Learning&Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 9 Natural Disaster Listenin9 &Speakin9 Text A:When all Earthquake Strikes Text B:Online Service Grammar:Inversion倒装 Exercises Learning&Test Skills学习和测试技巧Unit 10 People&Science Listenin9 & Speakin9 Tbxt A:Solution to the Problem with Crowded Cities Text B:Genes ofFruit Grammar:Agreement一致关系 Exercises Learning&Test Skills学习和测试技巧附录A Answer Keys参考答案 Keys to Listening&Speaking ……


  “I had always wanted a masters degree, but its hard to suspend a Career and a family forit, especially when the closest school of public health is four hours away,” says Jerry Parks, 45,assistant health director for Albemarle Regional Health Services in eastern North Carolina. As  it turns out16, he didnt have to move or commute to get his degree. After three years ofcoursework via teleconferencing and the Internet, Parks is finishing up a master s from theSchool of Public Health at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.。  As more people turn to distance education, a debate has flared over whether it can be agood substitute for face-to-face instruction. Thomas Russell, author of a 1999 report titled”The No Significant Difference Phenomenon,”which reviews more than 350 studies ofdistance-learning programs, argues that the two modes of instruction are equivalent as far asstudent learning is concerned17. Rebecca Behrend, for one, believes that distance ed is thesuperior choice. Behrend, 45, obtained a doctoral degree in clinical psychology last springfrom Walden University, a respected virtual institution. She says the discussions betweenstudent and professor, and among peers, were more rigorous than those she experienced in thetwo on-campus masters programs she previously attended.“We needed to cite references foreverything we said [in E-mail postings],” explains Behrend.“It wasnt like the usual chattingin the classroom.”。  But critics say that many of the studies cited in Russells book are poorly designed, andthey vehemently disagree with his point of view.“I dont think you can get any education overthe Intemet,” says David Noble, a historian of technology at York University in Toronto.”Education requires a relationship between people because its a process of identity formation,validation, encouragement, emulation, and inspiration18. This only happens face to face.”  Even advocates acknowledge that distance education isnt for everyone——that it takesindependence19, self-discipline, and a lot of motivation to succeed. Further, the quality ofdistance-degree programs is uneven.“A majority of universities have entered thedistance-learning market rapidly and are not well prepared,” says Vicky Phillips coauthor ofThe Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools (Princeton Review Publishing, 1999, $20)20.”Students run the risk of21 being guinea pigs.” Thus,its important to consider an array offactors before choosing a school: accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency,and technology22.




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