

戴恩 世界图书出版公司











As this is being written, particle physics stands on the threshold of a new era, withthe commissioning of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) not even two years away.In writing this book, I hope to help prepare graduate students and postdoctoralresearchers for what will hopefully be a period rich in new data and surprisingphenomena.The Standard Model has reigned triumphant for three decades. For just as long,theorists and experimentalists have speculated about what might lie beyond. Manyof these speculations point to a particular energy scale, the teraelectronvolt (TeV)scale which will be probed for the first time at the LHC. The stimulus for thesestudies arises from the most mysterious - and still missing - piece of the StandardModel: the Higgs boson. Precision electroweak measurements strongly suggest thatthis particle is elementary (in that any structure is likely far smaller than its Comptonwavelength), and that it should be in a mass range where it will be discovered at theLHC. But the existence of fundamental scalars is puzzling in quantum field theory,and strongly suggests new physics at the TeV scale. Among the most prominentproposals for this physics is a hypothetical new symmetry of nature, supersymmetry,which is the focus of much of this text. Others, such as technicolor, and large orwarped extra dimensions, are also treated here.  Even as they await evidence for such new phenomena, physicists have becomemore ambitious, attacking fundamental problems of quantum gravity, and specu-lating on possible final formulations of the laws of nature. This ambition has beenfueled by string theol., which seems to provide a complete framework for thequantum mechanics of gauge theory and gravity. Such a structure is necessary togive a framework to many speculations about beyond the Standard Model physics.Most models of supersymmetry breaking, theories of large extra dimensions, andwarped spaces cannot be discussed in a consistent way otherwise.


  The Standard Model has reigned triumphant for three decades. For just as long,theorists and experimentalists have speculated about what might lie beyond. Manyof these speculations point to a particular energy scale, the teraelectronvolt (TeV)scale which will be probed for the first time at the LHC. The stimulus for thesestudies arises from the most mysterious - and still missing - piece of the StandardModel: the Higgs boson. Precision electroweak measurements strongly suggest thatthis particle is elementary (in that any structure is likely far smaller than its Comptonwavelength), and that it should be in a mass range where it will be discovered at theLHC. But the existence of fundamental scalars is puzzling in quantum field theory,and strongly suggests new physics at the TeV scale. Among the most prominentproposals for this physics is a hypothetical new symmetry of nature, supersymmetry,which is the focus of much of this text. Others, such as technicolor, and large orwarped extra dimensions, are also treated here.


作者:(美国)戴恩(Michael Dine)


PrefaceA note on choice ofmetricText websitePart 1 Effective field theory:the Standard Model,supersymmetry,unification 1 Before the Standard Model Suggested reading 2 The Standard Model 2.1 Yan9—Mills theory 2.2 Realizations of symmetry in quantum field theory 2.3 The quantization of Yan9—Mills theories 2.4 The particles and fields of the Standard Model 2.5 The gauge boson masses 2.6 Quark and lepton masses Suggested reading Exercises  3 Phenomenology of the Standard Model   3.1 The weak interactions  3.2 The quark and lepton mass matrices  3.3 The strong interactions  3.4 The renormalization group  3.5 Calculating the beta function  3.6 The strong interactions and dimensional transmutation  3.7 Confinement and lattice gauge theory  3.8 Strong interaction processes at high momentum transfer.  Suggested reading Exercises  4 The Standard Model as an effective field theory   4.1 Lepton and baryon number violation’  4.2 Challenges for the Standard Model  4.3 The hierarchy problem  4.4 Dark matter and dark energy  4.5 Summary:successes and limitations of the Standard Model Suggested reading 5 Anomalies,instantons and the strong CP problem  5.1 The chiral anomaly  5.2 A two-dimensional detour  5.3 Real QCD  5.4 The strong CP problem  5.5 Possible solutions of the strong CP problem Suggested reading Exercises 6 Grand unification  6.1 Cancellation of anomalies  6.2 Renormalization of couplings  6.3 Breaking to SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)  6.4 SU(2)×U(1)breaking  6.5 Charge quantization and magnetic monopoles  6.6 Proton decay  6.7 Other groups Suggested reading Exercises 7 Magnetic monopoles and solitons  7.1 Solitons in 1+1 dimensions  7.2 Solitons in 2+1 dimensions:strings or vortices  7.3 Magnetic monopoles   7.4 The BPS limit’  7.5 Collective coordinates for the monopole solution  7.6 The Witten effect:the electric charge in the presence of θ  7.7 Electric—magnetic duality Suggested reading Exercises 8 Technicolor:a first attempt to explain hierarchies  8.1 QCD in a world without Higgs fields  8.2 Fermion masses:extended technicolor  ……Part 2 SupersymmetryPart 3 String theoryPart 4 The appendicesReferencesIndex


插图:The strong interactions, as their name implies, are characterized by strong cou-pling. As a result, perturbative methods are not suitable for most questions. Incomparing theory and experiment, it is necessary to focus on a few phenomenawhich are accessible to theoretical analysis. By itself, this is not particularly dis-turbing. A parallel with the quantum mechanics of electrons interacting with nucleiis perhaps helpful. We can understand simple atoms in detail; atoms with verylarge Z can be treated by Hartree-Fock or other methods. But atoms with inter-mediate Z can be dealt with, at best, by detailed numerical analysis accompaniedby educated guesswork. Molecules are even more problematic, not to mentionsolids. But we are able to make detailed tests of the theory (and its extensionin quantum electrodynamics) from the simpler systems, and develop qualitativeunderstanding of the more complicated systems. In many cases, we can do quanti-tative analysis of the small fluctuations about the ground states of the complicatedsystem.In the theory of strong interactions, as we will see, many problems are hopelesslycomplicated. Low-lying spectra are hard; detailed exclusive cross sections in high-energy scattering essentially impossible. But there are many que~stions we cananswer. Rates for many inclusive questions at very high energy and momentumtransfer can be calculated with high precision. Qualitative features of the low lyingspectrum of hadrons and their interactions at low energies can be understood in aqualitative (and sometimes quantitative) fashion by symmetry arguments. Recently,progress in lattice gauge theory has made it possible to perform calculations whichpreviously seemed impossible, for features of spectra and even for interaction ratesimportant for understanding the weak interactions.







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一本非常好的弦论入门书,绝对是粒子物理和宇宙学的经典,大家都看看啊!这本书由美国普林斯顿大学高等研究院教授,著名理论物理学家N.塞伯格撰写的书评.很适合超对称,弦抡的初学者.作者首先从粒子物理标准模型出发,进而论述超对称,广义相对论和宇宙学.最后一部分系统的讲述弦抡,玻色弦,杂化弦,超对称弦抡,D膜,各种紧化和对偶,有塞伯格-威腾理论比较详细的介绍.还有近年比较流行的解决等级问题的RS多维方案等.最近N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) 理论研究取得了一系列突破性的进展,如Gaiotto Duality和Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa (AGT) Conjecture 等等,这些发展使得M-Theory,N=2 SYM和Liouville / Toda Theories 建立了确切的关联。为这些理论的学习打下基础! 确实是学习弦抡的一本非常好的书,向大家推荐一下.上周我刚买来看看了
