P Etherton,A Kingston 著
The simple past tense、The past continuous tense、The past perfect tense、Connectives of time、The burger business、Integrated Skills等。主要包括课本(配2盒磁带),语法训练部分,练习部分,教学参考(内含参考答案)。
Chapter 1 My favourite sportChapter 2 FashionChapter 3 A practical jokeChapter 4 The burger businessChapter 5 Chatback on:Tutorial centresChapter 6 Virtual reality
Aims of the courseThe course aims to enable students to develop afunctional competence in English that will be ofpractical value to them at school, for theirsubsequent careers and in their personal lives.A major feature of this course is that it does not justset language tasks for practice, but it teaches theskills necessary to deal with the tasks. The coursepays special attention to developing language skillsand subskills, to teaching exam techniques and toproviding practice in exam-style exercises and tasks.Organization of the StudentsBook Senior High 2AThe Students Book is divided into 6 chapters. Eachchapter is divided into six sections —— Reading,Listening or Integrated Skills, Language, Speaking,Writing and More Language Input or Progress File.Each chapter is centred on a topic that links togetherthe different sections of the chapter. The mainpassages serve to contextualize the vocabulary andlanguage that are later exploited in the Languageand other sections.The chapter topics have been carefully selected toappeal to teenage students of both sexes, andcontain a wide variety of subject matter. Some topicsare close to students daily lives, whereas others fulfilthe aim that English should present a window on theworld.The topics are open-ended and ongoing, and it ishoped that many teachers will wish to supplementthe material in each chapter by introducing into theclassroom some recent stories or news items relatedto the chapter topic. This will help students toappreciate the relevance of their language-learningto the real world.