阿瑟・柯南道尔 著,(英)凯顿 改写
《津津有味·读经典》推荐序 读书最美妙的境界是读得津津有味。 我想,对于中小学生,英语阅读要读出三味才算是津津有味。 津津第一味,是读出好成绩。国家《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)和国家《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)都规定了中小学生的英语阅读量,要求学生每年课外阅读一定量的英文读物。用课外的阅读提高自己的英语成绩,肯定是我们进行课外阅读的一个基本愿望。如何实现呢?这需要有相应的配套活动指导,因为这些活动可以把我们在阅读中获得的语感转化为我们考试中可以表现出来的语言运用能力。 津津第二味,是读出宽视野。我们通过阅读认知我们无法靠自己生活的直接经验认知的世界,我们可以通过阅读穿越到任何时代,与大师为伍,与英雄比肩,入宫廷痛斥国王,到小村体恤贫民。我们不仅可以因此而晓知天下,更可因此与人广泛交流。 津津第三味,是读出高素养。阅读是学习,学习知识,更学习做人的道理、做事的方法、分析的思路、明辨的条理、批评的路径、建构的框架。阅读是体验,体验如何淡泊明志、如何激扬文字,如此等等,丰富我们的人生理解,提高我们的综合素养。 你肯定会问,如此三味,需要太多课外时间,我本无多少课外时间,是否可以聚合一体? 当然可以。 《津津有味·读经典》就是一套可以让你读出津津三味的读物。 这套读物不仅符合国家《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)和国家《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)的要求,更是汇集了西方文学经典,更为难得的是,英语语言优美而又符合我国学生语言水平,同时附有表演短剧剧本、纯正地道MP3和自主评价手册。 如此,你可以开卷“悦读”了吧! 期待你读出津津三味! 教育部英语课程标准组专家 鲁子问
Silver Blaze
CHAPTER 1 Morning at Baker Street
CHAPTER 2 The Curry Dinner
CHAPTER 3 The Murder
CHAPTER 4 King's Pyland Farm
CHAPTER 5 The Footprints
CHAPTER 6 Capleton Farmt
CHAPTER 7 TheMysteryHoe
CHAPTER 8 Murder Mystery Solved
The Speckled Band
CHAPTER 1 The Young Woman
CHAPTER 2 DrGrimesbyRoylott
CHAPTER 3 The Death of Julia Stoner
CHAPTER 4 Spring Weddingt
CHAPTER 5 DrRoylott Visits Sherlock Holmes
CHAPTER 6 TheClues
CHAPTER 7 The Deadly Bite
The Enginee Thumb
CHAPTER 1 DrWatson'sNewResidence
CHAPTER 2 A Visit to Sherlock Holmes
CHAPTER 3 TheNeighbo Land
CHAPTER 4 The Room
CHAPTER 5 Trapped
CHAPTER 6 Backto Eyford Station
CHAPTER 7 The Burning House
The Empty House
CHAPTER 1 DrWatson,theDetective
CHAPTER 2 HelloHolmes
CHAPTER 3 TheDummy
CHAPTER 4 UnderArrest
We all got into a carriage pulled by four horses and weresoon moving quickly through the countryside. "What do you think happened?"Sherlock Holmes askedInspector Gregory. "I think that Fitzroy Simpson went to the stable to stealSilver Blaze,"the inspector said."He mixed a drug into Ned's supper.Ned fell asleep,and Fitzroy Simpson tookthe horse.Straker found Simpson near the stable.Therewas a fight,and Fitzroy Simpson murdered Straker." I could see from his face that Holmes did not believethis story.Shaking his head,he asked,"Where did Fitzroy Simpson buy the drug?And if Simpson wanted to stopSilver Blaze from running in the race,why didn't he injurethe horse in the stable?There was no need for him to stealthe animal." Without waiting for an answer,Holmes went on,"Didhe have a key to open the door of the stable?Where has hehidden the horse?What about the envelope in his pocket?" Inspector Gregory smiled. "Slowly,Mr Holmes.Too many questions at once.Theenvelope had money in it.Fitzroy Simpson has been onholiday in the area and would know a good hiding placefor the horse." "What about the scarf?"asked Holmes. "Fitzroy said he loSt it and that Straker must have foundit."the inspector said."Now,I have another importantfaCt.There were some horse thieves in a camp near thefarm.Fitzroy might have taken the horse to them." "That'S possible."Holmes agreed. "My men are looking for the horse thieves now,"theinspector continued. "I see."said Holmes."1_eIl me about the other farm.Capleton,where the horse Desborough is.Have you talkedto Silas Brown who looks after that horse?" "We cannot find any evidence that Silas Brown hadanything to do with the murde Howeveg everyone saysthat Silas did not Iike Straker,"the inspector said. Holmes was silent for a while.He closed his eyes as hewas thinking deeply.Then we arrived at the farm,and weall got out of the carriage. Suddenly,Holmes said to Co]onel Ross."Is Straker'Sbody here at your farm?" "Yes,it'S upstairs,"replied the colonel. "Good.1 would like to look at it."Holmes said.Thenhe asked,"Tell me,Colonel,you knew John Straker formany years.Did you think he was a good man?" "I always thought him an excellent man."Colonel Ross replied. Holmes turned to Inspector Gregor "Did you make alist 0f all the things in the dead man,s pockets?"he asked."Yes,and I put all the things in a box.You can have alook."the inspector said.He handed Holmes a box.Holmesopened it and looked inside. "What have we here?"he asked."A silver pocket watch.a box of matches,a small candle,some tobacco,a pipe,some gold coins,a pencil case,some documents,and a knife." He turned to the inspector,"Is this the knife you found in Straker hand}" The inspector nodded,and then said,"Yes.Dr.Watson,do you think it looks like a special kind of knife.one thatperhaps a doctor might need?Please examine it."I examined the knife carefully.I had seen knives like itbefore."This iS the kind of knife that iS used for eyeoperations."I said. Holmes smiled,"Yes,indeed,"he said. It's used for a special purpose.It's not a knife to fight with!" "I asked Mrs.Straker about the knife."the inspector explained,"and she said that John Straker kept it near his bed." "What about the documents?"Holmes asked. "0ne of them iS a receipt for food for the horses."theinspector said."oBe is a letter from Colonel Ross one iSa bill from a ladies'dressmaker in London.It iS for a veryexpensive dress.The bill iS made out to a Mr.WilliamDarbyshire.Mrs. ……
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