《津津有味·读经典》推荐序 读书最美妙的境界是读得津津有味。 我想,对于中小学生,英语阅读要读出三味才算是津津有味。 津津第一味,是读出好成绩。国家《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)和国家《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)都规定了中小学生的英语阅读量,要求学生每年课外阅读一定量的英文读物。用课外的阅读提高自己的英语成绩,肯定是我们进行课外阅读的一个基本愿望。如何实现呢?这需要有相应的配套活动指导,因为这些活动可以把我们在阅读中获得的语感转化为我们考试中可以表现出来的语言运用能力。 津津第二味,是读出宽视野。我们通过阅读认知我们无法靠自己生活的直接经验认知的世界,我们可以通过阅读穿越到任何时代,与大师为伍,与英雄比肩,入宫廷痛斥国王,到小村体恤贫民。我们不仅可以因此而晓知天下,更可因此与人广泛交流。 津津第三味,是读出高素养。阅读是学习,学习知识,更学习做人的道理、做事的方法、分析的思路、明辨的条理、批评的路径、建构的框架。阅读是体验,体验如何淡泊明志、如何激扬文字,如此等等,丰富我们的人生理解,提高我们的综合素养。 你肯定会问,如此三味,需要太多课外时间,我本无多少课外时间,是否可以聚合一体? 当然可以。 《津津有味·读经典》就是一套可以让你读出津津三味的读物。 这套读物不仅符合国家《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)和国家《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)的要求,更是汇集了西方文学经典,更为难得的是,英语语言优美而又符合我国学生语言水平,同时附有表演短剧剧本、纯正地道MP3和自主评价手册。 如此,你可以开卷“悦读”了吧! 期待你读出津津三味! 教育部英语课程标准组专家 鲁子问
CHAPTER 1 On the Road to Dover
CHAPTER 2 Surprising News
CHAPTER 3 Miss Manette Meets Her Father
CHAPTER 4 FiveYea Later
CHAPTER 5 Echoes ofthe Future
CHAPTER 6 Matte of Life and Death
CHAPTER 7 LoveIsintheAir
CHAPTER 8 Business in England and France
CHAPTER 9 Happiness and Fear
CHAPTER 10 The Storming of the Bastille
CHAPTER 11 A Fire and a Letter
CHAPTER 12 ThisIsNot aGood Place
CHAPTER 13 Charlesin Prison
CHAPTER 14 AKnock ontheDoor
CHAPTER 15 Unexpected Meetings and Discoveries
CHAPTER 16 A Secret Story
CHAPTER 17 Sydney Carton Takes Action
CHAPTER 18 Madame Defarge Veus Miss Pross
CHAPTER 19 Twenty-two!Twenty-three!
England was also a dangerous place to live.Men with gunsbroke into houses and stole from the rich and poor alike.0thersattacked coaches on the road.Criminals were often shot.If theycould be brought to a court,they would be hanged.Murdererswere hanged,and people who stole handkerchiefs were hanged.Death seemed to be the easiest way to deal with problems.Ifyou want to stop murderers,hang them.If you want to stoppeople from stealing handkerchiefs,hang them. People steal because they are bad,and bad people are notwanted.If you hang them,they won't do it again,and otherpeople will see it and be too frightened to murder or steal.Richpeople didn't understand that other people did not steal becausethey were bad.They stole because they were hungry.That'show things were toward the end of 1775. one Friday night late in November,the London—Dover mailcoach was climbing Shooter'S Hill in the rain.The coach wasdrawn by fonr horses,but they were old and tired,and the loadwas heavy.The passengers had to get out of the coach and walkin the mud beside the coach.It was very dark,cold,and foggy,and the three walking passengers stayed close to the coachbecause they were afraid of being attacked by robbers.Thevwere all wrapped iU coats and scarves and wore hats to try andkeep warm.They did not know each other and were afraid ofeach othen The coach driver and the guard were afraid of themall and carried guns to fight against any attack.Perhaps one ofthe passengers was part of a robber gang! It was after eleven o'clock when they finally reached the topof the hill.The guard put the brakes on the wheels and gotready to go down the hill.He opened the door for the passengersto get backin. "Joe,what that?"said the driver in a warning voice. They both listened carefully in the dark. "Horse,"said Joe at last,"and it's galloping,Tom.Get ready!" They warned the passengers inside the coach to be ready,and then they each took a gun and waited,staring back intothe darkness.Soon they could all hear the horse galloping upthe hill and everybody was afraid. "Stop!"shouted the guard."Stop.or I'II shoot!" The sound of galloping stopped immediately. "Is that the Dover Mail}"asked a voice from the fog. "Never mind what it is!What are you?" "If it is the Dover Mail.I want a passenger!" "What passenger?" "Mr.Jarvis Lorr" The guard asked Mr.Lorry to identify himself,and one ofthe passengers put up his hand. "What'S the matter?Who wants me?Is it Jerry?" "Yes,Mr.Lorr" "Wha^the matter?" "A message from T.and Co." "I know this messenger,guard.He may come closer." The guard warned the messenger to come slowly,and he walked closer to the coach,leading his horse.He and his horse were covered in mud.He gave the passenger a piece of paper. The passenger explained to the guard that he worked for Tellson'S Bank in London. "May I take the time to read this message?"he asked. The guard nodded,and watched the messenger with his gunin his hand. "It says.‘Wait for Ma'amselle at Dove'Jerry,you can tell them that my answer is'Cailed back to lire!"' "That's a strange answer!"exclaimed the surprised messenger. "If you give them that answeq they will know that I received the message,"explained Mr.Lorry. He climbed back into the coach,and the driver started down the hill toward Dover.Jerry stood for a while and then began to walk back down the other side of the hill with his horse,going back toward London and thinking his secret thoughts. "Called back to lire!It would be a bad thing for me if that started to happen!"he said to himself. The three passengers in the coach sat silently in the corners and remained strangers to each othe~ML Lorry sat half asleep in his corner and dreamt that he was digging to get a man out of hgrave.This man was about forty—five years old.but his face looked much older.It was thin and full of pride and sadness. In his dream Mr.Lorry asked him."How long have you been buried?"He asked this question a hundred times,but the answer was always the same. "Almost eighteen years." "Did you still hope that somebody would dig you out?" "I gave up hoping many years ago." "Do you know that you have been called back to life?" "Yes,butI don't knowiflwanttolive." "Would you like to see her?Shall I show her to you?" The answers to these last questions kept changing.Sometimes the reply was"Not yet.It would kilI me to see her too soon."At othertimes hewould cry and say,"I'akemeto her." ……
查尔斯·狄更斯是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《双城记》是他最重要的作品之一。这部小说讲述了法国大革命时期(1789—1799年)发生在巴黎和伦敦的一个动人故事。 《津津有味·读经典》符合国家《义务教育英语课程标准》2011年版和国家《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)的要求,更是汇集了西方文学经典,符合我国学生语言水平,同时附有表演短剧剧本、纯正地道MP3和自主评价手册,帮助学生更好地学习英语。
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津津有味 读经典 双城记