

白远,周建萍 编著 清华大学出版社有限公司





白远,周建萍 编著  






  随着全球化进程的加速,英语已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面,尤其是在经贸中的作用日益重要。如何既提高学生的英语水平,同时又使他们掌握一定的国际经济贸易方面的知识,培养时代需要的人才成为英语教师们研究的一个课题。  《国际商务英语快速阅读教程)就是为了满足我国对具有国际经济贸易专业知识的英语人才这一时代的需求而编写的,目的是帮助英语学习者在语言和知识两个方面同时得到提高。  作为英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课,泛读课对于培养阅读能力、扩大词汇量、提高阅读技能、增加知识等具有举足轻重的作用。而快速阅读又是泛读课的一个重要组成部分,其目的在于通过提高学生的阅读技能来提高阅读速度。阅读速度取决于词汇量、阅读技巧及对文章所涉及知识的熟悉程度等多种因素。因此,快速阅读一方面可以通过传授快速阅读技巧,如跳读、扫读、猜词等来提高阅读速度,另一方面也可以通过扩大学生的知识面、了解基本题材、认知基本词汇和术语、熟悉相关知识来提高阅读速度。例如,图表、广告等题材并不难理解,但是如果很少接触,就会花相当多的时间去阅读。  学习过程中语言输入的多少对于学生提高语言水平具有决定性作用。语言输入不仅要有量,而且要注意输入的语篇文体要多样化。输入达到一定程度后,学生自然就会在头脑中建立起这种语篇的程式。因此,大量广泛的语篇输入成为提高语言水平的最根本、最基础的要求。  本教材注重语篇量的输入和输入的多样化,选择了以国际经济贸易为主要内容的各种题材、各种形式的文章、广告、图表等,对学生进行大量的语言和知识的输入,从而提高学生快速阅读的技巧,以达到短时间内掌握大量专业知识信息的目的。  本教材共42单元,为一个学年的教学任务。每一个单元有两篇阅读文章,第一篇为主要文章,涉及所讲的主要内容,字数按照学生水平的提高由少至多。第一篇文章后面附有4种类型的练习,包括阅读理解、词汇解释、词汇填空、判断正误等,通过大量的练习不仅可以查看学生的理解水平,也可使学生掌握基本词汇和一些生词的运用。第二篇文章为补充阅读,重点是在经济活动中出现的实用性和功能性语言材料,通常为经济类广告、新闻、产品说明等,以及经贸阅读中经常遇到的图表、数字等不同的表达方式,同时附有阅读理解练习。


  本教材共42单元。每一个单元有两篇阅读文章,第一篇为主要文章,涉及经济学原理、贸易、金融、市场营销、对外投资、管理及国际组织等方面的内容,并附有阅读理解、词汇解释、词汇填空、判断正误等练习;第二篇为补充阅读,重点是在经济活动中出现的实用性和功能性语言材料,通常为经济类广告、新闻、产品说明等,以及经贸阅读中经常遇到的图表、数字等不同的表达方式,同时也附有阅读理解练习。  本教材适用于高等院校经济、财贸、管理、商务英语等专业一、二年级的学生使用,同时也可供对国际经济与贸易感兴趣的自学者参考。


Unit 1 The Meaning of Economics . Unit 2 Two Methods in Economic Studies Unit 3 The World Natural Resources Unit 4 Production Unit 5 The Role of Price Unit 6 Reasons for International Trade Unit 7 Approaches to International Business Unit 8 Barriers to International Business Unit 9 Laws Affecting Business (Ⅰ)Unit 10 Laws Affecting Business (Ⅱ) Unit 11 World Trade Organization Unit 12 The Fine Art of Negotiation Unit 13 Government Procurement Unit 14 Intellectual Property Unit 15 Trademark Unit 16 Logistics Unit 17 Market and Marketing Unit 18 The Role of AdvertisingUnit 19 The Function of MoneyUnit 20 International Balance of PaymentUnit 21 The Federal ReserveUnit 22 Commercial BanksUnit 23 The World BankUnit 24 Interest Rate and the EconomyUnit 25 Foreign Exchange TradingUnit 26 Stocky a Means of InvestmentUnit 27 New York Stock ExchangeUnit 28 Why We Need Insurance?Unit 29 International Monetary FundUnit 30 International TaxationUnit 31 AccountingUnit 32 Foreign Direct InvestmentUnit 33 GlobalizationUnit 34 Multinational CorporationsUnit 35 ASEANUnit 36 European UnionUnit 37 NAFTAUnit 38 Forms of Business OwnershipUnit 39 Keys to Success for New Small BusinessesUnit 40 Merger and AcquisitionUnit 41 The Art of ManagementUnit 42 The Art of LeadershipAppendix A Key to the Exercises


  Government Procurement  Procurement is government purchasing of goods and services required to serve the needs of the public. Procurement policies have been developed by government for two main reasons. First, government strives to make all opportunities available to interested businesses. They allow government officials to purchase supplies and services in an unbiased atmosphere. Second, procurement generally results in more cost- effective purchases for the government, thus saving taxpayer dollars. It is also used by government organizations for budget control purposes. Procurement is sometimes referred to as government bidding, government opportunities, and tenders.  The government procurement policy should be non-discriminatory and based on the commercial principle of best value for money through competition, including full and fair opportunity for domestic suppliers. The fundamental objective of the procgrement policy is to ensure that government procurement activities achieve best value for money in supporting the delivery of government services,  The needs of government bodies are widely diversified and the government buys just about every kind of product and service: from the procurement of office supplies to the construction of hydroelectric power stations; from shoelaces to remote sensing equipment.  While the responsible agency for procurement provides policy advice and has set some mandatory procedural rules, individual departments or agencies are responsible for their own purchasing decisions. They decide what to buy and to set the specification, in the context of their overall objectives, and subject to the normal public expenditure tests of need, affordability and cost-effectiveness.  The government usually organizes basic seminars that provide potential suppliers with information essential to an understanding of the procurement and contracting process.  The Supplier Registration Information (SRI) is a database of registered suppliers. The information provided by suppliers is used by government departments to identify sources of supply for the goods and services they buy. By registering in the SRI, the suppliers make their companys name and supply capabilities widely available to government buyers. However, the selection of a supplier cannot be made solely on the basis of the lowest price. The most cost-effective goods or services that meet the evaluation criteria are more likely to be procured.






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