

Larry Winget John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Larry Winget  






This is not your typical self-help book. You won't find any motivational platitudes or cute business parables here. This is more of a "get off your butt and get to work" approach that can help you achieve more success, make more money, improve your business, and have more fun.  Larry Winget doesn't pull any punches here. He believes that business gets better when businesspeople get better through personal growth. And it works the same way in your personal life-husbands and wives improve each other when they improve themselves, and kids improve when their parents do. In other words, everything in life gets better when you get better, and nothing gets better until you get better.  This book can make you better, but it will probably tick you off. Winget is direct, caustic, and controversial. You won't like or agree with everything he has to say. Yet his advice is full of wisdom and truth that can't easily be argued with.  Words from Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life that prove that this book is anything but typical:  "If you don't have much going wrong in your life, then you don't have much going on in your life."  "When you work, work! When you play, play! Don't mix the two."  "What you think about, talk about, and do something about is what comes about."  "When it quits being fun-quit."  "Time management is a joke."  And that's just the beginning!


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorBefore You StartChapter 1: Shut Up! Chapter 2: Stop Whining! Chapter 3: Get a Life! Chapter 4: How to Live by Design, Not by DefaultChapter 5: Slaughtering the Sacred Self-Help CowsChapter 6: Your Beliefs Determine Your OutcomeChapter 7: The Enjoyment FactorChapter 8: Fitness, Fatness, and MoreChapter 9: Everyone Screws UpChapter 10: Religion Versus Spirituality: Whose Side Is God On? Chapter 11: Get SmarterChapter 12: Stress: Who Needs It? Chapter 13: Learn to RelaxChapter 14: Money Rules! Chapter 15: Relationships—Friendship, Marriage, and Other CalamitiesChapter 16: Kids Are a Pain in the ButtChapter 17: Sex: You Gotta Love ItChapter 18: Love Is the KeyChapter 19: Criticism HappensChapter 20: The More You Give the More You GetChapter 21: Sometimes Work Is Just Plain WorkChapter 22: You Are Out of TimeChapter 23: Success Is a Balancing ActChapter 24: Give Up HopeChapter 25: Guilt Serves No PurposeChapter 26: Worry Is a Waste of TimeChapter 27: Selfishness Is a Good ThingChapter 28: A Deal Is a DealChapter 29: Hard Lessons to LearnChapter 30: The Test for SuccessChapter 31: A Final Thought





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