

Liteman, Jeffrey/ Campbell, Sheila John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Liteman, Jeffrey/ Campbell, Sheila  




  Based on the best-selling first edition, this greatly expanded and updated version contains forty-seven new activities, more information about how to design and lead retreats, and additional suggestions for how to recover when things go wrong. A CD-ROM allows you to print out chapters for distribution to key leaders, duplicate templates, and produce handouts for specific exercises.   Whether you're planning to lead an offsite retreat for the first time or the ninety-ninth time, this easy-to-use, one-stop resource provides:   Step-by-step instructions for leading a wide variety of tested exercises.   Insight into establishing effective working relationships with clients.   Information on what to include in your retreat designs.   Suggestions for encouraging participants to speak up and play an active role.   Tools for managing conflict.   Guidance on making decisions during a retreat and changing course when necessary.   Strategies for developing and implementing action plans.   Tips for follow-up so you can keep the change train on track.   Order your copy of this practical guide today!


Merianne Liteman, Sheila Campbell, and Jeff Liteman consult to corporate, government, international organization, and nonprofit clients on strategic planning, strategic change, creative thinking, leadership development, and improved teamwork and communica


CD ContentsAcknowledgmentsIntroductionSECTION ONE: Materials for the Facilitator Chapter 1: Working with the Client  Nine Reasons to Hold a Retreat  Ten Reasons Not to Hold a Retreat  What If the Client Is Your Boss?   Aligning Yourself with the Client  Kinds of Retreats  Using a Specialized Retreat Format Chapter 2: Planning the Retreat  Pre-Retreat Interviews with Participants  Identifying the Scope of Issues and Creating the Retreat Plan  Who’s Who in Planning a Retreat  Involving Participants in Retreat Planning  Deciding Whether to Work with a Co-Facilitator  Thinking About Logistics  Creating the Conditions for Success Chapter 3: Retreat Design Issues  Sins of Omission: The Top Retreat Design Mistakes  Prework for Retreat Participants  Using White Space  Capturing the Work Product  Design Issues for a Series of Retreats Chapter 4: Retreat Design Components  Introduction  Ground Rules or Norms  Individual Check-In  Reporting Your Findings  Content Segments  Decision Making  Action Planning  Closing  Post-Retreat Follow-Up  The Importance of Timing Chapter 5: Structuring the Retreat  Group Size and Composition  Varying the Methodologies  Incorporating Rituals Chapter 6: Leading the Retreat  Key Facilitation Practices  Encouraging Participation  Process or Content Facilitator?   When Should the Facilitator Intervene?   Giving Feedback to Retreat Participants  Co-Facilitation Challenges  Diversity Issues  Recording the Group's Work  Monitoring the Group's Energy  Changing the Plan ……SECTION TWO: Materials for the ClientAfterwordAppendixRecommended ResourcesReferencesIndexAbout the AuthorsHow to Use the CD-ROM




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