

王庆 高等教育









  根据《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)的精神和要求,结合当前大学英语教学改革的发展趋势,本套丛书以建构主义为理论基石,构筑“以动机为先导,以兴趣为动力,以学生为中心,以任务为基础,以自学为途径”的全新教学理念。同时,本套丛书寓语言于素养教育之中,把枯燥的英语阅读变成百科知识的涉猎,使英语阅读不再枯燥。拥有此套丛书,学生就仿佛拥有了一个小型百科知识书架。  本套丛书共分三册,第一册以文化艺术类文章为主,第二册以科技类文章为主,第三册以人文社科类文章为主。  本套丛书以大学英语教学改革的目标为指导,参考仔细阅读技能要求与训练形式。每册书分为两大部分。第一部分:技巧导航;第二部分:篇章阅读(包括1.Text篇章阅读;2.Dictionary小词典;3.Notes疑难解答;4.Post-reading Exercises读后练习)。


  《大学英语扩展阅读教程》系列丛书根据《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)的精神和要求编写而成,本套丛书寓语言于素养教育之中,把枯燥的英语阅读变成百科知识的涉猎,使英语阅读不再枯燥。拥有此套丛书,学生就仿佛拥有了一个小型百科知识书架。 本套丛书共分三册,第一册以文化艺术类文章为主,第二册以科技类文章为主,第三册以人文社科类文章为主。《大学英语扩展阅读教程》为该系列丛书之一的第二册分册。


第一部分 技巧导航一、阅读过程中的猜词技巧1.利用构词法知识猜测词义1)利用复合法(composition)猜测词义2)利用转化法(conversion)猜测词义3)利用派生法(derivation)猜测词义4)利用逆成法(back formation)猜测词义2.利用文章中的解释说明猜测词义1)根据定义猜测词义2)根据同位语猜测词义3)根据定语从句猜测词义4)根据重述猜测词义5)根据举例猜测词义3.利用词与词之间的语义关系猜测词义1)根据同义关系猜测词义2)根据反义关系猜测词义3)根据上下义关系猜测词义4.利用语篇结构猜测词义1)根据一整段猜测词义2)根据整篇猜测词义5.利用状语从句猜测词义6.利用标点符号猜测词义7.利用中文提示猜测词义8.利用常识和经验猜测词义二、联想思维——记忆英语单词的有效方法1.联想思维法的科学依据2.如何利用联想思维法记忆单词3.恒心和毅力是记忆单词的关键三、相关资料:图式理论第二部分 篇章阅读UNIT 1Text A Microchip, Testament to the Immense Power of Tiny ThingsText B Growth of Wireless Internet Opens New Path for ThievesText C Artificial IntelligenceUNIT 2Text A Unidentified Flying ObjectText B Satellites Free the Mobile PhoneText C For the First Time, a Spacecraft Impacts with a CometUNIT 3Text A Technology to Meld Chips into Humans Draws CloserText B Ultralight ComputersText C Translation ToolsUNIT 4Text A Bunker MentalityText B Team Claims Success with Rocket LaunchText C Fee-based Satellite RadioUNIT 5Text A Researchers Find a Genetic Link to ObesityText B Tobacco Helps Cancer Cells Evade DestructionText C Feel Blue? Go GreenUNIT 6Text A Live or DieText B Genetically Modified Foods Feed the World?Text C Animals Laughed Long Before Humans, Study SaysUNIT 7Text A SARS Virus No Longer Such a MysteryText B Study Says Breast-Cancer Treatments Increase Survival RatesText C The Inanimate EnvironmentUNIT 8Text A Perspective on Human BehaviorText B More Attention on Mans Health CareText C A New Chip Design May Lead to New SightUNIT 9Text A Superpills with a One-two PunchText B Diet Pills: Fen-phen and ReduxText C Exercise MythsUNIT 10Text A Depression Study Finds Hope in Different Treatments, at Least for Some PeopleText B While Other Threats Make the News, Heat May Be Natures Deadliest Killer ...Text C How Humans Are These Creatures?UNIT 11Text A Dead Mixer = Alcohol + TobaccoText B Health Regulation for AnimalsText C Gene and Giving up SmokingUNIT 12Text A Is the Earth Getting Hotter?Text B Weather: Tornado Science, in a Land with Plenty of ExperienceText C Phone Firms Tapping into Rural AreasUNIT 13Text A World No Tobacco Day: A Chance for Smokers to Give Their Bodies a CigaretteBreakText B Treatment Developed for Patients with Medically Unexplained SymptomsText C Food for Thought: How Vitamins (Once Spelled “Vitamines”) Are Important toHealthUNIT 14Text A Clean EnergyText B Wearable Computers You Can Slip intoText C Skiers Take to Man-made SlopesUNIT 15Text A What Happens to Bees in Winter?Text B A Little Red-eyed Frog Could Hold the Key to Ending the Scourge of AIDSText C Animals "Speak" Many Strange LanguagesUNIT 16Text A New Planetary PuzzlesText B Your Brain on DrugsText C The Race against Avian FlukeyReferences




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