前言第一部分 新六级71O分考试应知应会 一、大学英语六级考试大纲 二、考试准备第二部分 初级通关——突破425分 Test One Test Two Test Three Test Four Test Five第三部分 高手论剑——跨越600分 Test Six Test Seven Test Eight附录 附录A 大学英语新六级710分测评标准 附录B 100分与710分转换体系 附录C Test Five标准答题卡 附录D Test Eight标准答题卡
A similar method is used for children,but instead,it has a sliding scale linked toage.As well as BMI levels,the areas where the fat is deposited in the body is important,too,explained a spokesperson for the BNF.“People who have extra fat around their mid—dle,a body we call apple shaped,are at a greater risk of some diseases than those whohave most of the extra weight around their hips and thighs,or are pear shaped.”For those wanting to measure their waist circumference,increased risk for the over s occurs in men whose waist circumference is 94cm/37 inches or over,and inwomen whose waists are 80cm/32 inches or more.The risk is significantly increased at102cm/40 inches for men and 88cm/35 inehes for women.Prevention and treatment When it comes to preventing and treating excess weight and obesity,experts be—lieve a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial.The key to maintaining agood weight is to balance your energy intake and output,as weight is gained if you regu—lady eat more than you burn off. Obese children may require a specially developed program,said Weight Concern,which is likely to focus on healthy eating,exercise and social support.In the case ofchildren,its beneficial for the whole family to adopt healthier behaviors and its impor—tant not to single out a child.……
其他版本请见: 《710分高分攻略:六级模拟(第2版)(附CD-ROM光盘1张)》