儒勒·凡尔纳 (Jules Verne)、丁永姬、王勋、 等 清华大学出版社 (2009-06出版)
(法)凡尔纳 著
这是一部充满传奇、冒险与幻想的文学著作,它由法国著名作家、“现代科幻小说之父”儒勒·凡尔纳编著。 18世纪中叶,鞑靼人与俄罗斯人之间爆发了战争。由于叛徒出卖,俄方形势十分危急。故事的主人公米歇尔·施托戈夫临危受命,将沙皇的亲笔信交给伊尔库次克大公——沙皇的弟弟。虽然其间路途遥远,沿途还要经过敌占区,但作为沙皇的信使,米歇尔最后还是依靠自己的聪明、才智和勇气完成了这项艰巨的使命。途中,他所经历的一次又一次惊心动魂的遭遇令人震撼。 该书至今被译成世界上多种文字,曾经先后多次被改编成电影。书中所展现的神奇故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,《沙皇的信使(中文导读英文版)》对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。
作者:(法国)儒勒·凡尔纳 编译:丁永姬 王勋 等
第一章 在宫殿举行的宴会.第二章 俄国人和鞑靼人第三章 米歇尔·施托戈夫与沙皇见面第四章 从莫斯科到下诺夫哥罗德第五章 两个公告第六章 哥哥与妹妹第七章 沿伏尔加河流方向而下第八章 逆卡马河流而上第九章 乘四轮马车日夜赶路第十章 乌拉尔山的暴风雨第十一章 不幸的旅行者第十二章 挑衅第十三章 责任是第一位的第十四章 母亲与儿子第十五章 坝拉巴沼泽地第十六章 最后的努力第十七章 对手第十八章 鞑靼人的营地第十九章 困境中的通信第二十章 反击第二十一章 胜利进城第二十二章 尽量看第二十三章 行进路上的朋友第二十四章 横渡叶尼塞河第二十五章 一只野兔横穿马路第二十六章 在大草原第二十七章 贝加尔湖和安加拉河第二十八章 河的两岸之间第二十九章 伊尔库茨克第三十章 沙皇的信使第三十一章 十月五日的夜晚第三十二章 大结局
On arriving at the relay, Michael Strogoff immediately asked for horses.He had been fortunate in distancing the berlin. Only three horses were fit to beharnessed. The others had just come in worn out from a long stage.As the two correspondents intended to stop at lchim, they had not totrouble themselves to find transport, and had their carriage put away. In tenminutes Michael was told that his tarantass was ready to start."Good," said he.Then tuming to the two reporters: "Well, gentlemen, the time is come forus to separate.""What, Mr. Korpanoff," said Alcide Jolivet, "shall you not stop even foran hour at Ichim?""No, sir; and I also wish to leave the posthouse before the arrival of theberlin which we distanced.""Are you afraid that the traveler will dispute the horses with you?""I particularly wish to avoid any difficulty.""Then, Mr. Korpanoff," said Jolivet, "it only remains for us to thank youonce more for the service you rendered us, and the pleasure we have had intraveling with you.""It is possible that we shall meet you again in a few days at Omsk," addedBlount."It is possible," answered Michael, "since I am going straight there.""Well, I wish you a safe journey, Mr. Korpanoff," said Alcide, "andHeaven preserve you from telgas."The two reporters held out their hands to Michael with the intention ofcordially shaking his, when the sound of a carriage was heard outside. Almostimmediately the door was flung open and a man appeared.It was the traveler of the berlin, a militarylooking man, apparently aboutforty years of age, tall, robust in figure, broad-shouldered, with a strongly-sethead, and thick mustaches meeting red whiskers. He wore a plain uniform. Acavalry saber hung at his side, and in his hand he held a short-handled whip."Horses," he demanded, with the air of a man accustomed to command."I have no more disposable horses," answered the postmaster, bowing.