

李桔元 上海交通大学出版社













  广告自从产生以来,受到各个领域专家学者极大的关注,对其研究甚为广泛,其中大多数是从新闻学、传播学、经济学、美学及心理学等角度进行的。广告语言也以其独特的魅力引起了语言学界的兴趣。在国外,过去的50年中,出版了好几部有关广告语言的专著。研究范围包括英语广告的语音、语法和词汇特点,广告的符号学分析,广告语篇理解,广告的语体以及广告的语篇研究。国内也有一些学者对广告语言进行研究,从外语界的情况看,研究广告语言的角度主要有:词汇语法句式和修辞研究,文化研究,语体研究,语用研究,功能语言学研究等。国内外现有研究从不同层面和角度对广告语言进行了深入的探讨,揭示了广告语篇的词汇句法特点、语篇特点以及语用规律。  朱永生(2003)在回顾话语分析时指出,话语分析的任务之一就是揭示话语的语义结构与意识形态之间的关系。本书尝试从批评话语分析角度研究广告语篇中的意识形态。  批评话语分析认为,话语不但能传达信息、表达外在和内在的经验、建立人际关系,而且能用于表达价值观、信仰、态度。广告话语作为一种策略性公共话语,其特征是通过话语中的信仰、态度、支配等策略实现广告对读者的操纵。






AcknowledgementsList of Figures and TablesChapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of studies of advertising language 1.2 Research questions and significance of this study 1.3 Theoretical and methodological orientations of this study 1.4 Data collection 1.5 Organization of the dissertationChapter Two Theory Preliminaries 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Critical discourse analysis 2.2.1 From discourse analysis to critical discourse analysis 2.2.2 A survey of critical discourse analysis 2.3 The view of discourse in critical discourse analysis 2.3.1 Discourse vs. Text 2.3.2 Discourse as action 2.3.3 Discourse as ideologies 2.4 Ideology and power in language 2.4.1 Ideology 2.4.2 Power 2.4.3 The relationship among language, ideology and power 2.5 The text-oriented framework for analysing ideologies 2.5.1 Hallidayan paradigm : text functionality in context 2.5.2 Framework for analysing ideology in discourse: Fairclough' s three-dimension model 2.6 SummaryChapter Three Modality as Explicit Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The ideological nature of modality 3.3 Meaning dimensions and grammatical devices of modality 3.3.1 Meaning dimensions of modality 3.3.2 Grammatieal devices of modality 3.4 Modality and its ideological meanings in advertising discourse 3.4.1 Ideological meanings of modality in advertising disco urse: a case study 3.4.2 Modality distribution in advertising texts: empirical studies 3.5 SummaryChapter Four Personal system as Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The functions of personal pronouns:SFL perspective 4.3 The politics of some personal pronouns 4.3.1 "them and us" attitude 4.3.2 "me" and "you" :subjectivity or empathy 4.4 Ideological meanings of personal pronotms in ads 4.4.1 Characteristics of use of personal pronouns in ads 4.4.2 Personal pronouns work ideologically in building relations 4.5 SnmmaryChapter Five Transitivity as Implicit Representation of Ideologies m Advertising Discourse 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transitivity as the construal of experience 5.3 Transitivity as representation of ideologies 5.4 Transitivity system and the power relations in advertising discourse 5.5 SummaryChapter Six Intertextnality as Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 6.1 Introduction 6.2 What is intertextuality 6.2.1 Bakhtin:dialogism and heteroglossia 6.2.2 Kristeva:intertextuality as dialogue between texts or text and social context 6.2.3 Other interpretations of the term "intertextuality" 6.2.4 Intertextuality and interdiscursivity 6.3 The ideological functions of intertextuality 6.4 Intertextuality as hegemonic struggle in advertising discourse 6.5 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion 7.1 Summary of this dissertation 7.2 Major findings 7.3 Limitations of this study 7.4 Suggestions for further researchAppendicesBibliography


  2.2.1 From discourse analysis to critical discourse analysis  When we talk about critical discourse analysis, we tend to think of discourse analysis and connect them together just because they are, as two approaches to analysing discourse, to some degree similar but in nature quite different. These two approaches are both based on social constructivism, which holds the following premises: our knowledge of the world is not objective truth, but the product of discourse; discourse is a form of social action that plays a part in producing the social world——including knowledge, identities and social relations; knowledge is created through social interaction in which we construct common truths and compete about what is true and false ; different social understandings of the world lead to different social actions, and therefore the social construction of knowledge and truth has social consequences (Jorgensen & Phillips 2002 : 5-6 ).  The emergence of discourse analysis as an approach to language is marked by Harris paper Discourse Analysis published in the periodical Language in 1952. But in the next 20 years, discourse analysis made limited progress. Zhu Yongsheng (2003) divides this period as the fetus stage, at which discourse analysis is brand-new to linguists and few attempts were made to analyze texts for lack of ready-made theories for guidance and lack of methods to abide by. It was not until 1970s that discourse analysis came into its own development stage.







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