随着改革开放的不断深入、世贸组织的加入和东盟自由贸易区的形成,对外经贸事业蓬勃发展,越来越多的人直接或间接地参与了对外经贸工作。如何读、译、写外贸英语函电是广大高校学生,特别是参加全国高等教育自学考试及国家文凭考试的学生和外贸工作者迫切需要解决的问题,也是本书的编写宗旨。 《外贸英语函电》以实用技能的培养为宗旨,内容翔实、新颖,重点突出、明确,结构系统、完整,集实用性和前瞻性为一体,既方便教学又便于使用,可作为高职高专院校国际商务专业、商务英语专业、外贸英语专业、国际贸易专业,以及市场营销、工商文秘、电子商务等相关专业的教材,。也可供欲从事国际商务工作者学习参考。 本书在结构、内容上分别以外贸交易磋商过程和外贸合同磋商内容为主线。第一部分介绍了外贸函电的书写原则和特点;第二部分介绍了建立商务关系、询价、报价、接受的交易过程;第三部分介绍了外贸合同内容的磋商,包括质量、数量、包装、价格、运输、保险、支付、检验、争议和索赔。
Unit One Business Letter-WritingUnit Two Establishing Business RelationsUnit Three Enquiries and RepliesUnit Four Offer and Counter OfferUnit Five Orders and AcknowledgementsUnit SixPackingUnit Seven ShipmentUnit Eight Terms of PaymentUnit Nine InsuranceUnit Ten Complaints, Claims and Adjustments
In international trade,the existence of cargo insurance is to protect theimporter or exporter against the financial loss which he would otherwise SUS tain If his goods were damaged or lost while in transit from factory or ware-house in the country of origin to warehouse in the country of destination-Theinsurer,who insures others against loss or damage,undertake to make pay ment t0 the insured,i.e,the person who is insured against loss,shouldthe event insured against occur according to the amount insured and the levelof IOSS.