

杨增成 杨增成 中国社会科学出版社 (2012-11出版)



杨增成 中国社会科学出版社 (2012-11出版)  










Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Research Topic 1.2 Rationale for the Present Study 1.3 Objectives of this Research 1.4 Data and Methodology 1.5 Organization of this BookChapter 2 Previous Researches on Intertextuality 2.1 The Origin of the Theory of Intertextuality 2.2 The Literary Study of Intertextuality 2.3 The Study of Intertextuality in Arts 2.4 The Study of Intertextuality in Linguistics 2.5 The Linguistic Studies of Some of the Specific Forms of Inter—textuality 2.6 SummaryChapter 3 A Systemic——Functional Model for the Study of Inter- textuality 3.1 Approaches to Discourse Analysis 3.2 A Systemic—Functional Approach to Discourse Analysis 3.3 A Systemic—Functional Model for the Study of IntertextualityChapter 4 The Relationship Between Intertextuality and Context 4.1 Contextual Variables 4.2 The Relationship Between Discourse and Context 4.3 The Contextual Factors for the PAD 4.4 The Relationship Between Intertextuality and ContextChapter 5 The Experiential Meaning in the Discourse Involving Intertextuality 5.1 The Dialogical Relations Among the Voices 5.2 The Experiential Meaning Expressed by Lexicon 5.3 Linguistic Analysis of ProcessChapter 6 The Interpersonal Meaning in the Discourse Involving Intertextuality 6.1 The Participant Relationship 6.2 The Appraisals in the PAD 6.3 The Mood in the Discourse Involving IntertextualityChapter 7 Linking Different Voices in Discourses Involving Inter-textuality 7.1 Generic Structure 7.2 Texture 7.3 Linking Voices through Sentence Structure 7.4 Coherence in the Discourse Involving IntertextualityChapter 8 Conclusions 8.1 Major Findings 8.2 ImplicationsBibliographyAcknowledgements


  In a proposal,there are also two kinds of intermediate possibility between the positive and negative pole. The intermediate points for “command”represent degree of obligation,which can be expressed by allowed to supposed to and required to. The intermediate points for“ offer”represent degrees of inclination,such as willing to,anxious to and determined to. Both obligation and inclination can be expressedthrough a finite modal operator or an expansion of predicator.Thescale of obligation and inclination is referred to as modulation.  A variable inherent in modality is the value attached to the modal.judgment: high,median or low.All the categories of probability,usuality,obligation and inclination can be further classified according tovalue.According to Zhang Delu (2005:114-115) modality can indexthe social relationship, formality and power relationship. The modalityof different values can convey different degrees of politeness.For example,the degrees of politeness conveyed by “will”,“ should”and“could” are increasingly greater. In communication,the modality is closely related to the social relationship between the participants.Generally speaking,as the degrees of the politeness or formality increase,or as the power of the other part becomes higher,the value of the mo-dality will become lower. Such a value can show the tentativeness,uncertainty and the reverence.  ……






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