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《星世纪中学英语分级阅读》是专门为中学生和专科学生精心设计的一套阅读丛书。内容特色:引入全新的课外阅读模式,精选各类主题文章,可以大大激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高阅读技能,同时不断巩固和扩大词汇量。 话题按学生兴趣而设,有名人轶事;有世界著名品牌,如可口可乐、李维斯的成长史;有超自然现象和自然灾害事件还有世界各地有关时尚、科学、技术等领域的精彩故事;内容新颖,引人入胜。 根据词汇的难易程度分为5级,每一级包含18篇文章,文中语言活泼生动,表达方式简单易懂,每篇文章根据内容需要精选8个生词或词组,并配有相应练习,帮助学生准确掌握。 练习特色:该阅读系列可以作为学生自我训练的学习用书,是一套可以培养阅读兴趣。锻炼阅读技巧,提高阅读水平的练习用书。练习题型分为: 阅读练习(Main idea&Lookingfordetail) 包括主旨理解和寻找细节两部分,不仅考查学生对文章大意的回顾总结,还考查学生在阅读文章时对细节的敏感度。 词汇强化(Vocabulary) 连线练习考查学生对文中新词的理解,同时这些词汇还将在下面的动词短语练习和惯用语练习中得到进一步强化,从而达到巩固和扩大词汇量的目标。
《星世纪·中学英语分级阅读》是著名的国际语言教学服务公司(英)最新出版的英语阅读丛书。丛书共分5册,精选各类主题文章,引入全新的课外阅读模式,旨在提高学生的阅读兴趣,帮助他们掌握各类阅读技能,同时不断巩固和扩大词汇量。精心设计的大量练习还可以帮助学生培养理解能力和逻辑思维能力,进一步提高综合语言能力,是学生自我阅读训练的最佳选择。 丛书特色 一流的作者 作者为曾编写过家喻户晓的《妙语短篇》系列的Ken MethoId和Heather Jorles,当今英语教育领域炙手可热的畅销书作家。 原汁原味的阅读素材 丛书所选文章题材多样,语言原汁原昧。话题按学生兴趣而设,生动有趣,引人入胜,能培养最准确的英语语感。 轻松有趣的课后练习 抛弃以往沉闷、枯燥的习题模式,让学生在最轻松的状态下循序渐进地掌握词汇,增强阅读能力。提升读写综合能力。 免费的听力资源 如果想提高听力水平,本丛书还提供免费音频资料。 想轻松提高英语阅读水平?就从《星世纪·中学英语分级阅读》开始吧!
Unit 1 BlizzardUnit 2 VampiresUnit 3 Stephen KingUnit 4 McDonald'sUnit S Dreams of goldUnit 6 The acrobats of deathUnit 7 ElephantsUnit 8 Alfred NobelUnit 9 Advertisina paysUnit lo MozartUnit 11 Haute coutureUnit lz The chameleonUnit 13 The Venus flytrapUnit 14 The Eiffel TowerUnit 15 Thanksgiving DayUnit 16 Walt DisneyUnit 17 Uncle SamUnit 18 LemmingsAnswers to exercisesNew words: level 3
The weather in some parts of the United States of America can change oftenand quickly. In December 1992, James and Jennifer Stolpa were drivingfrom Nevada to Idaho with their little son, Clayton. He was only fivemonths old. It was a long drive - more than 22 hours - but James andJennifer were not concerned. The United States is a very large country and,like many Americans, James and Jennifer often made long journeys.Soon after they left home it began to snow. The snow was soon so heavythat it became a blizzard. The blizzard went on for many hours. By thetime it was over, there were more than 3 meters of snow on the road and itwas hazardous to drive. They looked around for a house to stay in untilhelp arrived, but they couldnt see anything. They looked for another roadto take, but there wasnt one. They had to stay where they were. Theystayed where they were for five days. They had very little to eat or drink.They ate some cookies that they had in the car and drank melted snow forwater. Jennifer was able to feed Clayton herself.After five days, they knew that they could not remain in their car anylonger. James dug a large hole in the snow for Jennifer and the baby to stayin and started the long walk to get help. He walked more than45 kilometers in 22 hours. At last he reached the town of Vya. James wasexhausted and could barely speak, but he was able to tell the people in thetown where Jennifer and his son were. They set off to rescue Jennifer andher baby. When they found them, the baby was crying loudly. They tookthem to the hospital where the doctors looked after them.