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《世纪商务英语——外贸英语实务》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。随着我国对外经济贸易的不断发展及全球化时代的到来,对外贸易在国民经济中发挥着越来越大的作用。很多涉外企业的工作都要求工作人员既要掌握相关的国际贸易知识,又要具备在外贸业务流程中运用英语解决实际问题的能力。本书的编写正是着眼于将外贸知识和英语应用能力“融合”的形式,遵循专门用途英语教学的原则,注重“系统性”、“实用性”和“实训性”特色。其目的在于使读者了解外贸英语的基本知识与技能,培养其在外贸业务流程中运用英语解决实际问题的能力及用英语从事外贸工作的兴趣。 《世纪商务英语——外贸英语实务》以进出口贸易(主要是货物贸易)的主要业务环节为主线,共分为三大模块,系统地介绍了国际贸易操作规程和惯例。第一模块国际贸易概论简要介绍了国际贸易的相关概念,分为国际贸易、贸易形式和国际贸易术语三章;第二模块合同磋商根据合同磋商的基本步骤和合同条款编写,分为商品描述、国际货物运输、国际货物运输保险、进出口商品价格、国际货款支付和检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁六章;第三模块合同履行介绍了合同履行过程中的相关活动及注意事项,并提出解决争议的方式,分为信用证审核与修改、进出口商品检验、安排装运、办理保险、进出口报关、制单结汇和解决争议七章。 全书以背景知识介绍、模板会话和实操训练为主,注重读者处理外贸业务问题能力的提高。
《世纪商务英语——外贸英语实务》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。随着我国对外经济贸易的不断发展及全球化时代的到来,对外贸易在国民经济中发挥着越来越大的作用。很多涉外企业的工作都要求工作人员既要掌握相关的国际贸易知识,又要具备在外贸业务流程中运用英语解决实际问题的能力。本书的编写正是着眼于将外贸知识和英语应用能力“融合”的形式,遵循专门用途英语教学的原则,注重“系统性”、“实用性”和“实训性”特色。其目的在于使读者了解外贸英语的基本知识与技能,培养其在外贸业务流程中运用英语解决实际问题的能力及用英语从事外贸工作的兴趣。 《世纪商务英语——外贸英语实务》以进出口贸易(主要是货物贸易)的主要业务环节为主线,共分为三大模块,系统地介绍了国际贸易操作规程和惯例。第一模块国际贸易概论简要介绍了国际贸易的相关概念,分为国际贸易、贸易形式和国际贸易术语三章;第二模块合同磋商根据合同磋商的基本步骤和合同条款编写,分为商品描述、国际货物运输、国际货物运输保险、进出口商品价格、国际货款支付和检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁六章;第三模块合同履行介绍了合同履行过程中的相关活动及注意事项,并提出解决争议的方式,分为信用证审核与修改、进出口商品检验、安排装运、办理保险、进出口报关、制单结汇和解决争议七章。 全书以背景知识介绍、模板会话和实操训练为主,注重读者处理外贸业务问题能力的提高。其特点如下:
Unit 1 International TradeUnit 2 Trade FormsUnit 3 International Trade TermsUnit 4 Description of CommoditiesUnit 5 International Cargo TransportUnit 6 International Cargo Transport InsuranceUnit 7 Price of Import and Export CommodityUnit 8 International Payment of GoodsUnit 9 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and ArbitrationUnit 10 L/C Examination and AmendmentUnit 11 Import and Export Commodity InspectionUnit 12 ShipmentUnit 13 Insurance ArrangementUnit 14 Customs DeclarationUnit 15 Documentation and PaymentUnit 16 Settlement of DisputesGlossary
Offset is a practice in which the seller has to undertake some sort of activity favorable to the importer in addition to the supply of the capital goods. Usually,the principal export goods are of a very high value, for example, aircraft,power-station equipment or an air defense system. To lessen the heavy foreignex change expenses involved in purchases of this kind of goods, the buyer usually insists that offset be applied. For example, the seller and the buyer may cooperatein industrial production under certain agreement, or the seller may be required toset up local establishments in the buyers country such as railway, a training school, etc. Consignment Under consignment, the consignor sends the goods to a foreign consignee who will sell the goods for the consignor according to the agreed terms. The goods exported on the consignment remain the title to the exporter. The exporter is not paid until the goods are sold in the overseas market. When the exporter wants to introduce goods to a foreign market, or control the foreign market price of his products, he can do so under a consignment contract. Bidding Bidding, as a special trade form, is widely used in international trade nowadays, especially for government construction projects and purchase of good sin large quantity. In bidding, the price of goods or services is not quoted by the seller, but decided by choosing the most advantageous one from the offers of bidders. Invitation for bids and submission of bids are the two different aspects of process.