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章华 编译  






  《我爱读好英文:与悲欢世界温柔相处》由美国英语教师协会推荐,每天一篇美文,与美国人同步学习,是市面上最权威有效的双语阅读书系!  《我爱读好英文:与悲欢世界温柔相处》涵盖了40篇中英双语对照的感人励志的故事,讲述了发生在不同人身上的喜忧参半的故事,如《与父亲共舞》《迟到的情书》《朋友间就该这么做》等。文笔极具感染力,让读者在阅读的同时,生发出积极乐观的希望。  这本书是地道英语与精美译文的完美结合,不论是形式,还是故事内容,都堪称经典,使读者受到心灵的感动与震撼。  《我爱读好英文:与悲欢世界温柔相处》以双语形式编排,是人们学习英语的最佳读本。附赠地道美语朗读MP3光盘,让读者随时随地愉悦跟读,全面提升英文听说读写实战能力!




Love and smile,the sweetest wine of life 爱和微笑,人生的芳醇Paving a Brilliant Way 铺就辉煌之路A Glass of Milk 一杯牛奶的温暖The Difference a Teacher Can Make 老师改变了男孩的人生Power in Gratitude 感恩的力量My Life Was Saved by a Smile 一个微笑挽救了一条生命The Price of a Miracle 奇迹的价格The Roses from Heaven 来自天堂的玫瑰Forever Sisters 永远的两姐妹That's What Friends Do 朋友间就该这么做A Church Built with 57 Cents 57 美分建成的教堂Love Needs No Words 大爱无声Kobe Bryant's Growing Road “小乔丹”科比·布莱恩特的成长之路Forgiveness 宽恕First love,forever love 曾有一个人,爱我如生命I'll Always Be There for You 我永远都会在你的身边To Buy an Hour from Father 向爸爸买一个小时A Letter to My Daughters 写给女儿们的信Memo from a Child to Parents 孩子给爸爸妈妈的备忘录Extra Good Luck 好运符——一张两美元钞票Mother's Hands 妈妈的手A Dance with Dad 与父亲共舞Love Notes 爱的小字条Visit with a Tramp 一个流浪汉的来访Forgotten and Forgiven 忘记并宽容A Letter to My Son 一封给我儿子的信The Apple Tree 苹果树I wish someone were waiting for me somewhere 我希望有人在什么地方等我The Love Letter 迟到的情书A Walk in the Woods 林中漫步Love Is More Thicker than Forget 爱情比忘却厚Love without Measure 爱无尺度Late at Night,Do You Turn off Your Cell Phone? 深夜,你关机了吗?Say“I Love You” 大声说出你的爱Love Is Just a Thread 爱如丝线True Love Always Prevails over All 真爱超越一切The Best Kind of Love 天底下最真挚的爱情A Good Heart to Lean on 善心可依The Blessed Dress 幸运的结婚礼服When Love Was the Adventure 爱的艰程An Ingenious Love Letter 一封绝妙的情书The Little Words That Work Marriage Magic 创造婚姻奇迹的小字眼The Furthest Distance in the World 世界上最遥远的距离


  Visit with a Tramp 一个流浪汉的来访  I was swinging on the front gate,trying to decide whether to walk down the street to play with Verna,my best friend in fifth grade,when I saw a tramp come up the road.  “Hello,little girl,”he said,“is your mama at home?”  I nodded and swung the gate open to let him in the yard. He looked like all the tramps who came to our house from the hobo camp by the river during the Great Depression. His shaggy hair hung below a shapeless hat,and his threadbare shirt and trousers had been rained on and slept in. He smelled like a bonfire.  He shuffled to the door. When my mother appeared,he asked,“Lady,could you spare a bite to eat?”  “I think so. Please sit on the step.”  He dropped onto the narrow wooden platform that served as the front porch of our two-room frame house. In minutes my mother opened the screen and handed him a sandwich made from thick slices of homemade bread and generous chunks of boiled meat. She gave him a tin cup of milk. “I thank you,lady.”he said.  I swung on the gate,watching the tramp wolf down the sandwich and drain the cup. Then he stood and walked back through the gate. “They said your mama would feed me.”he told me on the way out.  Verna had said the hobos told one another who would feed them. “They never come to my house.”she had announced proudly.  So why does Mama feed them? I wondered. A widow,she worked as a waitress in the mornings and sewed at night to earn money. Why should she give anything to men who didn’t work at all?  I marched inside. “Verna’s mother says those men are too lazy to work. Why do we feed them?”  My mother smiled. Her blue housedress matched her eyes and emphasized her auburn hair.  “Lovely,we don’t know why those men don’t work,”she said,“but they were babies once. And their mothers loved them,like I love you.”She put her hands on my shoulders and drew me close to her apron ,which smelled of starch and freshly baked bread.  “I feed them for their mothers,because if you were ever hungry and had nothing to eat,I would want their mothers to feed you.”  我在大门口晃悠,想着要不要沿街去找维娜玩,她是我五年级时最好的朋友。这时,我看见一个流浪汉从街上走来。  “你好,小姑娘,”他说,“你妈妈在家吗?”  我点点头,把门打开让他进了院子。经济大萧条时期,有许多流浪汉从河边的游民营来我家,他看起来跟他们一样。蓬乱的头发从那顶不成形的帽子下露了出来,破破烂烂的衬衣和裤子显然被雨水淋湿过,还被穿着睡过觉。他浑身散发着一种篝火的味道。  他慢吞吞地走到门口。我妈妈出来了,他问:“夫人,能不能给我点吃的?”  “好吧,请坐在台阶上等一下。”  他坐在狭长的木板平台上,那儿是两间屋的前廊。不一会儿,妈妈打开帘子,递给他一个三明治——用家里自制的厚面包片夹着几大块熟肉。她还给了他一杯牛奶。“谢谢您,夫人。”他说。  我在门口一边晃悠着,一边看着这个流浪汉狼吞虎咽地吃下那个三明治,喝光牛奶。然后,他站起来,穿过门廊往外走。“他们说你妈妈会给我东西吃。”他出门的时候对我说。  维娜曾说过,谁给流浪汉东西吃,他们就会互相转告。“他们从不去我家。”她骄傲地说道。  妈妈为什么要给他们东西吃呢?我很奇怪。妈妈是一个寡妇,上午在餐厅做服务员,晚上还要做缝纫活儿来挣钱。她为什么要把东西给这些不去工作的人吃呢?  我大步走进屋子,说:“维娜的妈妈说,这些人太懒了,都不工作。我们为什么要给他们吃的呢?”  妈妈笑了,她蓝色的围裙和眼睛很相称,也衬托了她赤褐色的头发。  “宝贝,我们不知道他们为什么不工作。”她说,“但他们也曾是孩子,他们的妈妈也爱他们,就像我爱你一样。”她把双手放在我肩头,把我拉到她的身边,围裙散发出浆洗过的和新烤的面包的味道。  “我给他们东西吃,是为了他们的妈妈。如果你饿了,又什么吃的都没有,我希望他们的妈妈也能给你东西吃。  ……


  《我爱读好英文:与悲欢世界温柔相处》是一套与美国人同步阅读的中英双语丛书。该丛书由美国英语教师协会推荐,特点有三:  ·中国国家图书馆典藏丛书,实力派畅销书。内文篇目取自世界上最经典、最有影响力的故事,哲理丰富,适于诵读。  ·权威人士编著,与美国人同步阅读,美国英语教师协会推荐读物。全国500所重点中校指定阅读书系,每篇文章附带“实战提升篇”,包括核心单词、实用句型和翻译训练。  ·附赠地道美语朗读MP3光盘,让你随时随地愉悦跟读。





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