

陈祥国 对外经济贸易大学出版社











本教材适合高职高专学生使用,也可作为本科学生的自学用书。 全球化和信息化社会的到来,要求学生具备一定从国外媒体获取信息的能力。报刊选读课程是帮助学生掌握这种能力的有效途径。高职高专学生学习报刊选读,至少应达到三个目标要求:1.扩大知识面;2.提高阅读理解能力;3.提高翻译能力。对于将来在外向型行业工作的学生来说,它们都是最基本的要求。扩大知识面就是要用英语去了解世界,了解社会,涉猎不同的话题,培养学生的英语文化底蕴。提高阅读理解能力就是要能从英语媒体上准确、快速地获取信息,把握经济动向。提高翻译能力就是要能够把获取的信息流畅准确地表达或转述给决策者,为其正确的决策提供依据。 社会在不断发展进步,当今国际政治、经济形势与十年前相比已是大不相同。这就使报刊选读课程具有了极强的时效性。这就是《英文报刊国际商务阅读(第二版)》出台的原因。 与2000年出版的《英文报刊国际商务阅读》(第一版)相比,本教材有两个主要变化: 1.内容全面升级。本教材共18课,除三课取材于1999年至2004年的报刊(这样做也是为保持本教材选材的时间跨度)外,其他都是从2006年以后的国际知名报刊摘选的文章,绝大多数都是2008、2009两年的文章。这使得本教材更贴近于学生所处的年代,并有助于学生学到最新的知识。内容除了涉及中国经济、中国外贸形势、国际经济关系、国际政治关系、科技、能源和环保等较传统的话题外,还包括了全球化、服务外包、金融危机、粮食危机、全球贫困、20国集团峰会、iPhone手机等最新的内容。 2.练习设计得更用心,目的性和针对性更强。第二版课后练习取消了第一版的Discussion题,全部练习都是针对以上提出的三个目标要求而设计的,包括术语翻译、综合练习和句子英译汉三种类型。术语翻译旨在帮助学生扩大知识面;综合练习旨在帮助学生更好地理解课文;句子英译汉旨在帮助学生提高翻译能力。参考答案可按书后“教学支持说明”提供的方式获取。其中综合练习的特点是以灵活多样的题型,针对本文内容和阅读技巧提出各种小问题,设计十分用心,学生必须真正读进去才能回答。本练习及其答案,实际上起到了教学参考书的作用,全部做对本练习,就说明学生已经基本理解了课文全文,这对于学生自学提供了很大便利。句子英译汉除了提高学生的翻译水平外,其答案也可以作为部分关键句子的译文,以便学生对照理解,纠正其理解错误。


Lesson 1 China's Trade Surplus Tripled in 2005Lesson 2 Is China's Economy Overheating?Lesson 3 Cellphone AddictionLesson 4 The Apple App MonsterLesson 5 The Outcry Is Muted, but the Food Crisis Is Getting WorseLesson 6 Globalization: The Gloomy State of Today's WorldLesson 7 E-commerce Baffled by Customer Service ConceptLesson 8 Is There a Global Solution to Global Warming?Lesson 9 The Corner Office in BangaloreLesson l0 Britain Unveils Second Financial BailoutLesson 11 Domino or Dynamo?Lesson 12 Protectionist Fervor vs. Retailers' NeedsLesson 13 G20 Was a Success, but This Is No Time for Resting on LaurelsLesson 14 Outsourcing: Law Firms Fuel the Demand for Offshore Services Lesson 15 China Pledges to Increase Use of Alternative Energy SourcesLesson 16 Rx for Global PovertyLesson 17 Exxon Roars to Record in Oil SlumpLesson 18 Foes Ready to Test Obama Overseas


  7. David Greenfield, a psychologist who is an expert onInternet-related behaviors, says he predicted a decade ago thatpeople would become ultra-dependent on:mobile devices, even morethan they are on PCs and laptops. Since phones dont weigh muchand fit easily into a pocket or a purse, "the threshold is even easierto cross, and theres no end to it," Greenfield says. "Youre prettymuch hooked in wherever you are, if you want to be. "  8. Greenfield says constant and Continual use of untethereddevices produces chemical responses in the body similar togambling. When compulsive gamblers win a hand, they aremotivated to keep playing till they win again —— no matter how muchthey lose in between.  9. Its the same with mobile texting and e-mailing, he says."Every once in a while youll get a good text message or e-mail between Viagra ads and Uganda money schemes," Greenfield says."Thats a hit, and its a powerful reinforcer. "  10. Others, however, arent convinced that high-usage ofmobile devices is an addiction or even detrimental to most peoplesquality of life, if kept in check. "I believe E dependency ~ happens,but the extent to which it plays a harmful role in your life, that isanother matter," says Scott W. Campbell, an assistant professor atthe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who studies cellphonebehaviors. "I dont think its as harmful as substances or that itneeds treatment," he says,  11. Campbell, however, notes that mobiledevices were firstseen as a convenience for accessing people and data without havingto be indoors and only when absolutely necessary. Now, theyvemorphed into on-call pagers and mini laptops full of digital content."The technology has come to own marry of us," he admits.  12. To avoid feeling stressed, set limits on usage; experts say.John Horrigan, associate director of Pews Internet project, sayslimits vary greatly by temperament and age. Younger people whogrew up with wireless technologies tend to have a higher thresholdfor dealing with all the calls, e-malls and texts clogging theirphones, while older people tend to feel annoyed and distracted bythem.





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