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2008年的金融危机,使得中国高校的大学生就业雪上加霜。“被就业”成为2009年高校大学生就业的一个很不光彩的新名词。究其原因,长期以来,在我国的高等教育体制中,课程设置和培养方式上“重理论、轻技能”。这种育人方式在经济快速发展的今天,当新职业新工种不断涌现时,我们发现高校培养的很多大学毕业生无法满足企业的基本用人需求,造成目前人才供给与企业需求不平衡的现状。过去,人们过分注重高学历,谈到“人才”时自然就会想到那些高学历、高文凭者。随着市场经济的不断完善和市场竞争的日趋激烈,全社会对“人才”的认识正在发生着微妙的变化,这种变化就是从注重文凭向注重实际操作能力转变——由原来的高学历、高职称,即人才,转向“有需求才是人才”。综观2009年中国高校大学生的就业状况,我们欣喜地发现,以“能力培养为本位”的高职教育充分注重学生的职业能力培养和职业技术应用培训,因此,高职生的就业率远远高于本科生。 密切关注市场对应用型人才的需求是高职教育的立足点,教育教学改革是培养应用型人才的根本,而课程改革和培养方式则是核心,所有这一切的支撑点则是实用型教材的开发。因为有专家指出,教材作为“整个教育系统的软件”,它不仅反映着社会发展的要求,同时在某种程度上还直接决定着受教育者的培养质量。为能培养出合格的高职文秘人才,我们深入企业、公司,通过调查研究得知,随着国际经济一体化的形成,以及我国对外开放的进一步深入,无论是外资企业还是中资企业,国有企业还是私营企业,秘书工作中的很多事务都会涉及对外交往、商务活动。因此,企业需要的秘书人才不仅要具备良好的职业道德与文化心理素质,以及掌握扎实的秘书业务知识,更重要的是具有工作所需的英语综合应用能力。正是基于此,北京大学出版社组织全国高职院校编写了一套秘书专业实用教材,并将《商务秘书英语》列入其中,以改变传统的高职文秘人才培养只重视办会办事,而忽视提高学生的职业英语应用能力的现状。
本书从学生的就业需求出发,分秘书职业基本技能和商务活动专业知识两大板块,突出职业秘书工作中与经济活动相关的商务知识的重要性。本书从初涉职场的秘书角度出发,按认识秘书职业,逐步掌握工作中所必需的基本职业技能,最终掌握职业提升所必要的专业知识的路线,从听说读写等方面全方位培养和提高学生的商务秘书英语综合应用能力。 本书适合大中专文秘、商务英语、国际贸易、会展等专业使用,也可作为相关在职人员的培训教材,以及英语爱好者和文秘从业人员的自学用书。
Chapter I Being a Secretary(进入职场) Section One Knowing Career(职业认识) Section Two Adapting to Working Surroundings(熟悉环境) Section Three First Impression(第一印象)Chapter II Interpersonal Relations(人际关系) Section One Getting along with People(熟悉环境) Section Two Asking for Advice(征求意见) Section Three Expressing Opinions(发表意见)Chapter III Daily Business(日常事务) Section One Reception(接待工作) Section Two Answering and Making Phone Calls(接打电话) Section Three Office Equipment(办公设备)Chapter IV Management of Business(处事能力) Section One Something Urgent(紧急事件) Section Two Letter Processing(信件处理) Section Three Complaint Settlement(处理抱怨)Chapter V Arranging Activities(活动安排) Section One Making Agenda(日程安排) Section Two Arranging Meetings(会议安排) Section Three Recreational Activities(娱乐活动)Chapter VI Business Knowledge(商务知识) Section One Human Resources(人力资源) Section Two Business Activities(商务活动) Section Three Blusiness Etiqueites(商务礼仪) Section Four Market Research(市场调研) Section Five Public Relations(公共关系)Chapter VII Trade Knowledge(贸易知识) Section One Establishing Trade Relations(建立关系) Section Two Agency(代理) Section Three Business Terms(贸易条款) Section Four Conclude Business(达成交易) Section Five Shipment and Insurance(装运投保)Chapter VIII Exhibition and Conference(会展知识) Section One Project planning(项目策划) Section Two Exhibition planning(筹备展会) Section Three Exhibition Reception(展会接待) Section Four Exhibit Introduction(展品介绍) Section Five After Show Work(展后总结)Bibliography(参考文献)
No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important tomake the right impression - not the wrong one - from the very first day. You will facenew people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Hereare seven tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job: First impressions can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Beforeyour first day, find out if your new job has a dress code. If so, be sure to follow it. Nomatter what, always be neat and clean. Get to work on time. Employers value employees who come to work right ontime. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time. Pay attention to introductions. One of the first things that your supervisor maydo is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. Theyare the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what isexpected of you. If he or she has not told you your job duties, ask for a list. Set dailyand weekly goals for yourself. Do not take too long for lunch. What is the lunch-hour policy at your new job?You can find out from your supervisor or your companys personnel department. Forexample, do people eat at their desks or does everyone take a full hour outside theworkplace?
《商务秘书英语》特色 实用、适用、易用、管用.立足学生的实际需要和实际技能培养 注重秘书的职业技能和商务知识的提高 突出商务秘书人才工作所需的英语应用的实战能力 关注商务活动中的中西方在文化方面的差异 配备听力光盘和文化知识补充阅读材料,方便自学者使用